The Carved Tree

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"Ayako what are you doing?" Jun asked looking down at his brown headed girlfriend. The two couples were taking a stroll down the park when Ayako stopped, looking at a tree. "Look Jun." She pointed to the tree that has their names carved into it. Jun's eyes widened at the familiar writing. "It has our names on it." Jun smiled and held his girlfriends soft hands. The carving wasn't as fresh as it was when they first carved it when they were back in high school.

"Don't you remember Ayako-chan? We carved our names onto the tree when we started dating back when we were second years in high school." Ayako looked at Jun and then to the tree remembering that day.

It was Jun's day off from baseball and he asked Ayako out on a date. It took a lot of guts considering how nervous he gets every time he talks to the girl. His team mate would tease him about the two being a couple.

"Where do you want to go Isashiki-kun?" The girl asked. It was a chilly spring day. Ayako wore a spring dress and wore a cardigan over it with some cute boots. Jun looked at the girl walking besides him. She smiled at him causing him to blush. Jun wore casual clothes with a jacket.

 "Y-you can just call me by my first name y-you know." He felt so nervous being next to Ayako.

"Oh where do you wan to go then, Jun." Jun blushed even more hearing Ayako say his name.

"Well..I was thinking of getting ice cream." He looked over at Ayako and got caught into her brown eyes. 'She's so beautiful' is what kept running through his mind. The two of them went to a local ice cream stand.

Jun went to buy the ice cream and bought a strawberry ice cream cone that's big enoughfor the two to share. "Here." He said holding the ice cream cone to Ayako. "I bought one that big enough for the both of us to share..if that's okay with you." Ayako smiled at him. "Yeah that's fine." She took some of the ice cream and her face lit up.

"Wow this taste amazing try some." Jun took some of the ice cream and looked a bit surprise. "It is good he said.

The rest of the day they spent out window shopping and decided to end the date at the park. They sat down at a bench taking a break from all the walking they did.

"Thank you Jun for this wonderful day. I had a lot of fun." Ayako said. Jun blushed and smiled at the girl. "No, I should be thanking you for agreeing to going on a date with me. I had fun hanging out with you."

Ayako blushed and smiled at him. "I had fun hanging out with you too." Jun couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend already, but he was so nervous to say anything. "Ayako?" He asked.

"Yeah?" Jun looked into Ayako's beautiful brown eyes. "For a while I have always wanted to-" Jun was cut off by loud barking heading there way. "What the?" Jun said as both of them stood up seeing the Seido baseball players chasing after the dog that was heading there way.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Jun shouted. "Ah, sorry Jun! It was there idea to follow you and bring a dog with us to blend in! Sorry!" The dog ran towards then knocking Jun over causing him to fall on top of Ayako. The boys ran past them chasing the dog. "Sorry!"

"Those idiots." Jun mumbled. He looked down and realized what had happened. He was on top of Ayako. Ayako's face was red. "O-oh Ayako. I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He got up and helped the girl up. "Y-yeah I'm fine." She said brushing off some dirt on her clothing.

"Um Ayako..What i was trying to say earlier.." Jun trailed off. "Yeah?" Ayako asked even more curious to what he was going to say.

"For a while now I've always liked you, since I saved you from that stray ball that day. Today was the best day ever because I got to spend it with you, so I was wondering.." Jun trailed off again. He blushed and looked Ayako in the eye. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Ayako stood there trying to take in what Jun told her. When she realized what he asked she smiled and took his hand. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend." Jun smiled at the girls answer. They finished there date at the park when Ayako had an idea. She picked up a piece of broken glass that was on the floor and walked over to a tree.

"Ayako? What are you doing?" Jun asked. "I'm carving our names onto the tree. You know so we can always remember this day when we pass by here in the future." She carved in her name when Jun carefully took the piece of glass away from Ayako and carved his name. Afterwards they both carved a heart around there names and went back to Seido's dorm rooms.

"Oh yeah! I remeber!" Ayako smiled remembering back to the memory of that day. "That was one of the happiest days of my life. When we finally became a couple." Jun smiled and took Ayako's hand.

"How about we make another memory that will also be the happiest day of your life." Ayako looked confused and saw Jun go down on one knee. "Ayako, Will You Marry Me and make me the happiest man alive." He pulled out a black box and opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. Ayako filled up with happiness. Tear started to form in her eyes and she nodded. "Yes." She smiled. She couldn't contain her emotions anymore and hugged Jun causing both of them to all back. They both laughed and were filled with joy.

Jun smiled and layed a kiss on his now, Fiance.

                                                               Isashiki Jun


                                                                 Hisakawa Ayako

 ~ I do not own Ace of Diamond or any of the characters besides the ones I made up~

More Ace of Diamond one shots coming soon..


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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