The Truth Behind the Talent

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"No you cant take him!" I choke out, my voice raspy. "It's my fault punish me instead! Please..." I yell through the tears streaming down my face.

"It was his idea to show you the truth!" The shadowed face told me the voice cold and clear. "You will forget about him and move on with your life!" The voice commanded.

"Never! I swill never forget him!" I shouted back hugging my knees to my chest on the cold warehouse floor.

"You don't have an option! You will go back to how life was before you found out the truth. He will stay alive but will not be able to contact you in any way. Living with knowing he can never have you."

I closed my eyes begging for what was coming out of the shadowed person to be lies but, I knew it wasn't. I knew what they were capable of and not an ounce in me believed that what they where telling me wasn't true.

"Why cant you just let it be? We wont tell anyone! Please!" I heard one of the girls who where being told the same thing I was yell.

"How are we supposed to believe that? We have kept the world working perfectly for thousands of years making sure the prophecy was never fullfilled! But now with you it will be and we cant let that happen!" The figure in the long black robes hissed at us.

"Please just let us and them go!" Said another feminine voice from on the ground beside me.

I sat there feeling nothing but numb. I'm pretty sure the four girls chained next to me felt it too, not from the bitter cold of the early February morning, or from the water puddles that littered the ground of the old building we where sitting on. The one reason we had for existing was going to end. All of the memories would be over and as much as we wanted to believe that fate would let us cross paths with them again I'm pretty sure the so-called 'great ones' wouldn't allow it. In fact I'm sure they wouldn't, since one of them was standing in front of me in a big black coat and telling me so.

I began rocking myself back and forth wondering how would I live without him. And your probably listening going 'hes not that big of a deal get over it' but he was my soul mate in all terms that the word meant. I know I could go on without him and carry on with my life doing as I had planned and be alright. But I wouldn't be alright as in a sense that I'd be truely happy.

I could tell the girls and victims of the same fate next to me where just as heartbroken.

"You are to stay here in silence until we are ready." The 'great one' told us before walking off leaving us chained to the ground drowning in our sorrow.

I began to imagine his eyes and how they would light up with happiness, or how anytime he found something hilarious he'd throw his head back and let out a full hearted chuckle. Id even miss his cocky smirk he'd get when he'd even raise his eyebrows because he knew he was just that good. I would miss everything. Every little freckle and every blemish that gave away how he was not perfect. Just like he would always tell me though, we are each others unperfect perfections.

Oh how things where so different only five months ago yet I wouldn't change any of it for anything. I began to think back to the day I met my prince charming...........


Alright so I redid the prologue tell me what you think :) & deleted the previous chapters because I wasn't heppy with them.

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