Chapter 2: Not the Usual Fishing Report

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As I entered the house I called out for my papa, but he didn't seem to be in. I went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, and found a note stuck to the fridge:

I'll be back shortly, had to quickly go into town to buy something, dinner in the oven.


I quickly scanned over the note before grabbing bottled water and leaving the kitchen. I climbed the old stairs that led to my room, which was on the second floor. I sighed as I lay on the bed, grabbing the phone out of my pocket. As I was going to change the song I received a message from Jemma, my once best friend. I open up my messages and read:

Jemma: Will you plz tlk 2 me

You: I hve nothin 2 say 2 u.

Jemma: When r u gunna 4give me

You: How bout nvr

Jemma: I said i wuz srry :(

I decided not to respond to her last message and powered off my phone. I could feel the salty liquid drop roll down my cheek. Jemma had been my first friend on the island, and we were inseparable as kids, but I guess everyone changes over time. I had been foolish, thinking I could compete with her, she was everything I wasn't and more. I bit down hard on my bottom lip, trying to stop the tears, but I instead felt the metallic taste of blood intermix with the salty taste of the tears. I cursed as I got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom downstairs in the darkness of the house, tripping over the porcelain frog that always seemed to be in my way. I cursed again loudly as I fell to the floor. My papa opened the front door and came in, turning on the lights that seemed to be blindingly bright. He shook his head and dropped his stuff on the counter, hanging up his keys before coming over to me. He held out his arm which I gladly took.

"The frog got you again?" I nodded and turned to head to the bathroom, as I began to walk I felt my ankle give out. I yelped in pain to which my papa rushed over, concern etched on his face.

"Are you ok darlin'?" He asked me while helping me hobble over to the couch. I shook my head no and let out a yelp as he touched it.

"Oh that's not good, I'll take you to see Dr. Baker in the morning and see what she makes of it. Do you want some sweet tea honey?" He asked me as he smoothed the hair out of my face. I nodded, smiling slightly at him. It took him awhile but he eventually got my foot propped up on some pillows and gave me sweet tea and fish filet which he had made for dinner. As my papa went to bed I grabbed the remote and turned on the news to see Sandra Barnes. I expected to hear her tell the usual fishing reports, but instead, she said something much different than her usual fishing and tourist reports...

"Two nights ago, there was a party thrown on the island of Ocracoke that many teenagers from the island attended," I had gone to that party, which was out of character for me.

"Two girls who attended the party have not returned home" Sandra cleared her throat, she had most likely known one of them.

"Myra Burke and Christine Miller" their pictures flashed across the screen and I dropped the fork that was in my hand. I had known Myra since kindergarten when she stuck gum in my hair. After that I forgave her and we just existed around each other, we weren't friends, but we didn't hate one another. But Christine had just moved to Ocracoke the past spring, with the rest of her family. I couldn't believe it as their names and pictures flashed across the screen. This was Ocracoke, one of the small outer banks of North Carolina. The only thing interesting that happened here was when tourists acted like idiots or a big catch from one of the fisherman. Now two girls had disappeared, no leads and no knowledge if they were even alive. I leaned over the back of the couch and grabbed the house phone that was on a table behind the couch. I hurriedly punched in the number of Annabeth, my best friend in this God forsaken place, ever since Jemma and I stopped being friends. She picked up after four or five rings and asked me what was up. I quickly advised her to turn on the news to the local station. I could hear her gasp as their faces were continually flashing across the screen.

"Wh-what happened?" She asked shakily. The Millers were Annabeth Ritchie's neighbors, whom she had really liked.

"No clue, it just said they disappeared after that big party that Drew Williams threw at the beach to celebrate New Years." I shrugged, forgetting the fact that she couldn't even see me.

"We went to that party Sav, what if we become suspects?" Annabeth spoke in a hushed, frightened tone. "Or, what if that had been us, instead of them?"

"Relax, it wasn't either of us," I paused as I heard a creak from upstairs. We continued to speak in hushed tones to one another about the party and what could've happened before I let out a long yawn.

"Look, Anna, it's getting late, I'll call you tomorrow. Be safe."

She sighed before saying goodbye. I went back to focusing on the news report coming from Sandra Barnes.

"-and that's why I'm urging all of you to be safe, and keep your guard up. If you have any information, please inform the local police."

I tuned her out as I began to think, who was at the party that could've hurt them?

Alright here's the second chapter! What happened to Christine and Myra? What really went down at that New Years Eve party? All will be revealed in due time, but until then, I hope you liked it, and if you did, tap the star or leave a comment, they're always appreciated!

Lots of Love, 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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