Sudden Change

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My name is Emma. I was just a normal girl with a normal life, until five extraordinary boys changed that. For better or for worse? I’m still unsure...

“Your family has been involved in an accident” the words still haunt me today. Those 8 words, alone were insignificant but together, had the power to change my life.

I was with some mates at a party. Just me and a few mates laughing our worries away at a bar. I saw Natalie gesture towards my handbag, “Emma your bag’s making strange noises again.” I laughed.

“Thanks Nat,” I replied. Nat always knew how to make me smile.

I checked the caller ID. Unknown number. Odd for this time of night. I escaped outside to the fresh air and answered hesitantly.

“Hello, this is Emma.”

The phone line crackled. “This is Rob from Emergency Services. We regret to inform you that-“ and that’s where the story began.

I stumbled between words and air “Wha- What do you mean? Are th-they okay?” The voice on the other end was breathing heavily, but my breathing was undoubtedly worse.

“As far as we are concerned your family are in a critical but stable condition in St Luke’s Hospital. We understand there was a collision between your family’s vehicle and a black minivan on the M2.”

I had heard enough to know what to do- call a taxi. I stood there for what seemed the longest ten minutes of my life. For God’s sake hurry up. I was becoming increasingly impatient. Standing alone on the cold sidewalk; I felt as if the world had ended.

Nat came up behind me; she must’ve heard my sobbing.

“Emma, darling, are you okay?”

I mustered up a response between sobs. “Family.... in... an....accident.” I didn’t need to elaborate, Nat understood. Her long arms extended around me. Her hug was so comforting.

A black taxi came to a gradual stop in front of us. With my clammy hands I swung the door open with such force I thought it might fly off.

“To St Luke’s Hospital. And step on it!”

Nat climbed in beside me and rested her hand on mine. Amongst all the mixed emotions I felt the tiniest of smiles creep upon me as I realised how utterly cliché my taxi directions were. All I could do now was pray that I wasn’t too late.

Nat payed the cab driver while I ran up the flights of stairs towards Reception. “Third floor; second door to the right.” The receptionist responded. Tripping over my two left feet, I hurried up three more flights of stairs, too impatient to wait for the elevator.

I was in shock. There they were- my once cheerful family looked lifeless in their beds. On the two beds closest to me lay my dear mother and father. Father, the once jolly man who read me bedtime stories, was slung up in two casts. My dear mother, the same lady who raised me from an infant, was connected to a hundred little tubes and had a forlorn looking bandage round her hairline.

A single musty green curtain separated them from my sister and brother. Toby had always been such a sweetheart, but now lay as lifeless as a sock. His thick, sandy hair flopped over his eyes making him look as if he was already an angel. I felt some relief to see him breathing steadily. The same couldn’t be said about darling Lilly. Her breaths fluttered and brought her in and out of consciousness. Beside her sat a nurse, grasping her hand and stroking her arm.

“Doesn’t look good.” She whispered.

It was like the walls were collapsing around me. I felt awful to see her pale, delicate face motionless; her body was limp and her ankle was twisted grotesquely. Lights flashed around me. I felt myself losing consciousness too. My last view was of Natalie’s face through the doorway and then everything went black.

Emma. Emma please wake up!

Lilly, darling! Are you okay?

Idon’t know. Where am I? It’s awfully bright. Where’s mummy and daddy?

“Emma. Emma please wake up!”

I opened my eyes. Natalie was cradling me in her lap. Soft tears trickled down her gentle face. I sat up and peered around.

Mother and Father had come over and stood weeping over Lilly’s bed. Three more nurses were in the room: two holding my mother up and supporting the tubes connected to her arms, one more on the other side of Lilly’s bed fiddling with some medical instruments.

Something’s not right. I jumped up and rushed to the others. Mother and Father were holding hands, her head buried in to his shoulder. Toby was sat in bed with the first nurse cuddling him. I began to feel sick again. The lights started flashing me in and out of consciousness.

Lilly was flat lining.

My eyes were dry but my face was damp. I had shed all my tears. I had always taken her smiles and laughter for granted, and now I will never experience it again. Lilly Madeline Worthington, a girl with such a desire for life.

I sat on my duvet. Almost a week had passed and I was still in mourning. Not even Nat could cheer me up this time. Each day that passed felt like a year without her smile. Mother and Father had been busy all week organising her funeral. We really want to give her the best goodbye. That is why Pa thought it best if we invite the passengers of the other vehicle.

“That’s a repulsive idea!” I wailed “They were the reason she died.”

“But darling, it wasn’t anyone’s fault. It was just a very unfortunate event. If anyone’s fault it was the bus driver behind the minivan that caused it. If he hadn’t sped up than...” He too burst in to a series of sobs.

I gave in to Father. He told me that it would be a way for them to apologise and pay their respects. The date was settled upon and the organisation was completed.

“...she lit up my world like nobody else. She didn’t know she was beautiful, but that was what made her truly beautiful. Forever in our hearts; goodbye my darling Lilly.” I had never heard such a poetic side of Mum, it was beautiful.

After the ceremony I slipped away into the church’s gardens to get some time to myself. The flowers seemed to droop as I walked by. I knew I would have to stop mourning the past and start cherishing the future sooner or later, I didn’t want to stay upset forever. So I chose sooner.

I flooded my thoughts with fond memories of Lilly and I- braiding each other’s hair, making Play-Doh cakes, and bubble-blowing competitions. At least, I did until the voice of another distracted my thoughts.

“I know how you must feel, losing a loved one. I lost my sister when I was thirteen. Don’t worry babe, the grief eventually goes away.”

I turned to find the most stunning guy I’ve ever seen, emerge from behind a tree. His eyes were gentle and blue, his hair brighter than the sun, and a smile that could light up a room. Did I mention he was Irish? Yes, this was like Prince Charming had come at a time when I needed one most.

“Thank you for understanding. I am sorry to hear about your loss.”

“No babe, I’m sorry about your sister. You see, I was in the black minivan that collided with your parents’ car.”

Such a beautiful face and yet such a dickhead for ruining my life. I could feel my blood boiling.

“...But you got to believe me when I say that it wasn’t our fault.” He smiled his dazzling smile at me. I couldn’t stay angry at a smile like that.

"I f-f-f-forgive you.” Oh no! Please don’t tear up in front of him. “W-W-What is y-your name?” I mumbled.

He walked toward me, outstretched his arms, and embraced me with a hug. I’ve heard of bear hugs, but this guy was amazing. He evens beats Natalie’s hugs!

“I’m Niall.” He whispered and stroked my hair.

The hug seemed to last forever. He smelled of Hollister and his arms were soft and warm. Is this heaven? Could I be dreaming? When he let go of me I felt as if all my troubles were lifted.

“Who do I have the pleasure of hugging?” He said in his caramelised Irish accent.

“Emma Worthington” At that moment I notice gash running along his forearm. Must’ve been from the crash. Looks awfully painful. But I decided not to mention it.

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