Chapter 43

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M: I finally decided a name for her. Wanna hear it...

Nandini nodded her head in approval asking him to continue...

M: we will call her AISHI which means God's Gift.. she is one of the best gift that came in our life as a ray of hope and light... So she is specially sent by god to us.. And I am so happy that she is there in our lives..

While Nandini to repeated her name as one of the most sensitive thing that could be and its meaning really meant once of the best thing. Yes indeed she was Gift from God.. She was there to bring them as one to fight the world as she brought both of them too close to each other.. 

Aishi in very short span of time became like a soul of each and every Malhotra.. Raj would never start his day till he sees face of Aishi. While for Manik too it was somewhat same only as his day starts and ends with his lifelines and that is Aishi and Nandini..

Nandini has again came to her routine to take care of Raj and Aishi while she even took care of Dadi as much as she can. While Dadi was of great help and guidance to Nandini as she taught Nandini how to bathe a baby as it connects a mother more. She even fed the Nandini too well so that feeding Aishi was never a problem. She at times would just by looking at Aishi tell why was she being cranky...

While Manik was like Aishi's favorite
as throughout the day she would stick to Nandini while the moment she sees Manik after so long she would give sly smile to him or at time the jingle of her laughter was only to be heard by him as it was specific with him..

 While Dadi thought to keep a naming ceremony for her after she is a bit grown up so that she can be easy to handle as Raj wanted it to be a grand function after all there was a daughter in their house after 3 generations and he was so happy that nothing can describe his feelings..

While for Nandini the routine now would be that she would get up freshen up make Aishi also ready if she is awake or else she would keep the baby monitor with her  and then would move to Raj and give him some fruits to start his day...

Later on she would start preparing for all the other's breakfast by ordering the maid what to do. She would accompany Dadi for pooja in case Aishi is not up and then she would move to Manik to wake him up...

Well her whole routine would remain same the only difference that would be made is that if Aishi is up she would leave her to Raj till she does all the other things and once pooja is over she would on her way to wake up Manik as for Manik the first thing he does is kiss Aishi's forehead and play with her for a while.. 

As Manik hardly gets time in daily routine to be with her so he grabs all time that he has... while Aishi would lovingly be with him forgetting everything else in the world...

Well coming to Manan. Well their equations have changed definitely.. As now that have responsibility of Aishi but Manik is a bit more expressive now. While the hormones of Nandini has reduced and she was secured somewhere that Manik is always there for her and she does not need to say it out loud.

But once in a month Manik started to make sure to spend his whole time with only Nandini... He would give Aishi's responsibility to Dadi. Well in the initial time period when Nandini was banned to move out of house Manik made sure to arrange a romantic set up on terrace. 

Manan were too close to each other now. Nandu never complained to him because she knew that her place cannot be taken. But still somewhere deep down in her heart she wanted him to say those magical words to her.. which she is sure to an extent that she feels them too...

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