Were dead

624 14 4

Y\N Pov

I had always loved being in here in the wing of mystery my favorite artifact had to be the medusa gauntlet. I noticed Louie was placing green sticky notes on everything. " What are you doing?," Huey asked crossing his arms. " Calling dibs on stuff come on Scrooge is like super old," Louie said as he tried to put a sticky note on the medusa gauntlet but i caught his hand. "Careful Medusa gauntlet one touch can turn organic matter into stone." I said. " Eh well call this one a maybe," Louie said placing the sticky note on the case. " This place is incredible ,"  Huey said joyfully. " Its fake ," Dewy sighed looking at a torn painting. " Is that uncle Donald?," Huey asked. " Oh yeah he was Mr McDuck's sidekick," Webby said. " Dewy's right," huey said crossing his arms. " Totally fake," Louie said. " Uncle Donald has never done anything cool," Dewy said. I did not believe that I researched to much on this " What Donald Duck was one of the most daring adventurers ever,"  I said but Dewy was not convinced. " This had got to be fake and I bet everything else is too," he said. " Ok seriously what has gotten into you," I said glaring at him.
" What about this picture with chewbacabra ?," Webby said desperately trying to convince them. " Photoshop," Huey said. " Its a painting," I sighed. " What about this treasure chest?," Webby asked. " Auction," Louie suggested. Webby then through open the chest only to have a sheet rise out of it. " T-t-this g-g-g-ghost," I stuttered backing away. " You mean this Halloween decoration?," Dewy asked ripping the sheet of to reval the Ghost of captain Peghook. I screamed and ran behind a box along with Webby and Dewy.  "ITS REAL ITS REALLY REALLY REAL," Dewy shouted grabbing a sword that flew twords the ghost trying to kill it. " It wont rest till its target is slain," Webby said hiding behind me. I noticed the sword about to hit the gong of pishu I grabbed a baseball bat next to me and wacked the sword away only to fall back into the gong. " Ow," I yelped in pain. " Yeah Y/N and I will sit this one out," Louie said grabbing my hand and we both sat down on a sadle. Only to have it turn into the Headless man horse .

Louie and I fell off as the Headless man horse went crazy and hit the gong. " THATS TWICE," Dewy shouted " ONE MORE HIT AND WE ARE ALL DEAD," I screamed . " WHAT COULD BE WORSE THAN THIS," Louie screamed . " WHAT THE DISMAL DOWNS IS GOING ON IN HERE  ," the Scottish voice of Scrooge mc duck yelled. " There it is ," we all said in unison . Scrooge barged in almost getting hit by the sword. " RUN," Louie shouted as we all hide behind some boxes. I was low key scared for my life . " Ok we got this there is four of us and three of them," Huey said . I looked out behind the boxes " Uh they teamed up," " Good that means only one target ," Scrooge said grinning walking In front of the teamed up ancient evils.  " NO COME
BACK YOUR OLD," Dewy shouted earning a slap on the shoulder from me . " He's like 50 something ," I say
I watch as Scrooge walks up to the gang of evils confidently " Eh beastie what's it gonna take to shovel ya off to the afterlife ?,". Captain Peghook laughed manically "The head of Scrooge Mc Duck ," he shouted his head lighting on fire into blue flames . I screamed causing Webby to jump.
I looked back to see Scrooge twirl his cane and grin at the evils " Would ya settle for his hat ?," he says before throwing his hat like a frisbee right through Captain peghooks face temporarily blinding him . Scrooge then ran twords the blinded pirate Sliding under the headless man horses stopping right infront of his stone statue . I grinned figuring out his plan .
Just like I predicted Peghook swung his sword at Scrooge's head but he quickly ducked causing the head of the stone statue to fly up in the air . Scrooge tossed the head towards Peghook " There's ya head," he said smugly . "ARG I SHOILD HAVE BEEN MORE SPECIFIC ," Peghook yelled before vanishing completely causing the head to fall onto the headless man horse were a head should be . The headless man horse then made a series of stomps and grunts as if trying to thank Scrooge before walking out on its two hind legs .
The five of us kids ran up to Scrooge happily praising him for just being so cool . We all jumped when he slammed the bottom of his cane down onto the ground . I sighed knowing we were in trouble .
" We can explain ...we came down to your seceret museum to look for you cause ...we love you ? Louie said hugging Scrooge. scrooge tilted his head in confusion " Secret museum this is the garage," Scrooge said pressing a button causing the now garage door to open and light to fill the room. " The what ?," Huey and Dewy asked in confusion.  " No way if this is a garage how do you explain all this amazing stuff like ...the garden hose of destiny or Montezuma's stack of old magazines...," Webby trailed off . I patted her on the back " Yeah it's definitely a garage ,"
Scrooge sighed frustrated "unbelievable I invite you into my home-,"  Louie cut him off " You locked us in a room ," . " I gave ya marbles," Scrooge retorted. " All we wanted was to hang out with you , "Huey said . " Well now ya did and look at the mess it's gotten me into ," Scrooge said . " I guess family is nothing but trouble ...right Scrooge ?," Dewy asked glaring at Scrooge. I gasped he couldn't have really said that ...did he? That's why Dewy was acting weird.
Scrooge's expression went dark everybody OUT," he shouted . " But we're-," Huey tried to explain . " OUT ," Scrooge yelled accidentally hitting the gong of pishu. The five of us gasped . " Oh no ...," I said terrified . " What are ya gawking at the curse is only activated when ya hit the gong three times and ...and you already hit it three didn't ya?," Scrooge asked looking back as the stone statue started to crack and glow . Scrooge backed away as the statue was now a giant gold dragon "Wait ...isn't pishu a gold hunting dragon ?," I asked backing away clutching my wrist that had a gold bracelet my mother had given to me . " Gold hunting that sounds cool," Louie said . " Not when your Duckburgs single largest Owner of gold ," Huey said panicking.
Pishu flew through a hole in made in the roof of the garage . Scrooge grabbed Pishu's tail just as it was about to be gone from sight. " TO YOUR ROOOOMS," Scrooge yelled as he was dragged into the sky .
Webby and I looked at each other with grins "You thinking what I'm thinking Y/N?," she asked . I smirked and the two of us headed out of the garage door . " We're are you two going ?Huey asked. " We're going to go eat hamburgers ," Webby said fist bumping me . Dewy grinned at his two brothers " So are we,"
"Great also the hamburger was just a metaphor we're actually going to catch the Dragon," I said just making sure they knew the point. "Yeah we get it we get it but how are we going to get up there?," Dewy asked .
Out of nowhere from the door in which we entered Launchpad peaks his head in happily "huh im am a pilot," he says . " NO NO NO ," I said trying to walk away but Webby grabbed me by the back of the shirt . " Come on Y/n don't you trust your big brother? ," Launchpad asked before picking me up like a doll and hugging me . " BROTHER?," The triplets asked in unison. " Yeah this is Launchpad and Yeah I guess I trust you but I'm wearing a helmet this time ," I said as Launchpad put me down .
At this rate I'll take the Dragon over my brother flying a plane .....

A/n hey there ...it's been a while I'm sorry for being such a bad author it's just ....people close to me have died recently but I'm fine now and I will definitely make up for all the lost time

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