New day

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There are going to be 5 or 8 parts. I haven't decided. Okay, enjoy!!


Your POV:

"Wow, this place is beautiful." "Yeah." Zukoto says. His big blue eyes stare into your nice (e/c) eyes. He holds your soft hand and you walk to the steps of the DWMA. "So this is it? The Death Weapon Miester Academy." "Yup, but we have... to..... climb all of... these........ steps.." You move your heads up as your eyes follow the stairs. "ugh.." "Well, the fastest way of getting up is by running it." You look at Zutoko like he's crazy. "Are you stupid or something.. do you see all of these steps. And by the way, I'm not a good runner." "Heh, then I'll carry you on my back." He picks you up by your waist and hoists you up. "Here we GOO!" In about 18 minutes your at the top. It could've been 15 but we had to stop. "Let's.... see.. if we can.... live here?" He's out of breath and you pat his back with your (s/c) hand. He looks up at you and smiles. You both walk into the school. "Wow, We're on time?!" "Yeah, I woke you up extra early so we can get here on time." He scratches the back of his head. "Okay, let's try to find the principal or head master of this place."

Zutoko's POV:

"Okay, let's try to find the principal or head master of this place." "Alright." You follow her and her perfect body. You drool at the thought of being, with her. Her (h/l), (h/c) hair moving back and forth as she walks. You want to grab her (s/c) hand but are to nervous of rejection. You can't believe it, you're in love with your best friend. The girl you saved after her mom's soul was being eaten by a kishin. And that you raised like a sister in your house. "Hey, let's walk into this room with... AXES!!!" "Yeah, that looks like my weapon form." We walked upon many axes until we finally got to Lord death. He had a funny voice that made her giggle.

Your POV:

You giggled at Lord death's voice. "Can we stay here for the school year?" "Oh yes, we have two more rooms, 116 and 268." "I'll take 268 and he'll take 116... please." He looked sad for some reason. "Hey, at least we don't have to walk up and down the stairs every day." "Oh... Okay." We walked to our class with the instructor Dr. Stein. "There are a lot of students here." "Yeah, you wanna sit at the top or the bottom." "Class, these are our new students. (Y/n) and Zukoto." "Hi!" A girl with a nice hat waves her hand anxiously. She motions us to sit next to her. Luckily there are two seats next to her.

We sit down and he keeps teaching in a chair. "Today, we're picking teams."

Patty's POV:

"Hey, wanna be a team with us?" "Sure." I look at them and then at kid and Liz. "Hey, Hey Liz.." "What Patty." "We have new friends." She sighed. "Who." "These guys." I pointed at (y/n) and Zukoto. "Okay, so they're on our team, like soul and Maka?" "Yes. Tell kid." "Okay." She turned around and told kid the news. He looked at (y/n) and smiled.

Kid's POV:

I saw the most symmetrical girl ever. She's sitting next to that asymmetrical garbage. "Hello..... um, I didn't write catch your name." "I'm (y/n) and this is Zukoto." He waved. He's so asymmetrical.... ugh I don't like him. "It's time to fight students." Dr. Stein

"Okay, kid you against...... hmm.... (y/n) and Zukoto." NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! "Okay." I turn to them and their faces went from nice and friendly to straight, pain killing faces.... wooh. We walked down the steps and got in fighting positions. She suddenly jumped into the air and became a double sided axe. So symmetrical. Liz and Patty became guns and we began to fight. With every bullet he deflected with her. They're good....... but she should be good with me. I jumped up and shot him. Still he deflected it. What the hell? After a bunch of jumping and deflecting, I finally shot him in his back. He arched in pain and dropped her. He fell to his knees and she changed to human form. She tended to his injuries.

Your POV:

Damn that boy, he shot him and he's really hurt. Surprisingly, no blood.... or bullet hole. "Okay, kid won this round." Kid..... that's a good name?! What a weird name. Oh well. We walked back up to our seats and watched as others battled it out. Kid walked over to us. "Hello, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm death the kid." He put his and out. "And you are?" I took it. "(y/n) and this is Zukoto." He gave Zukoto a mean face. I looked at Zutoko and he gave it right back. Kid whispered something into his ear. I can't quite make it out but it sounded like, "You're not bood enough for her." What did that even mean!!!! When he walked away he winked at me. I couldn't help but blush. I looked at Zutoko. He looked angry. "I don't like that guy. He seems.... off or something. Like... there's something wrong with him." "I don't know what your taking about but he's hot..... oh I mean." I blushed like a fool. He smiled and looked at me with a devilish glare. He slowly spelled it out. "B-L-A-C-K-M-A-I-L!!!" Oh.... no. I softly punched his arm and he pretended it hurt. I said with grinded teeth, "Don't... you.... DARE!!!" "Only if you do as I say." "Okay okay."

Zutoko's POV:

Haha, now I get to tell whatever and she'll have to do it! Mwahahaha! Okay okay think... think! "Before you turn into weapon form, I get to say 'Babe, transform." "What the hell...... Okay, fine." What else, What else..... "Okay class, time to get out." We all exited and were headed to our next class. Then kid comes towards us. "Hello (y/n) and....... Zukoto." He leans in to hug (y/n) but I didn't let him. "Hey, cut to the chase." "Well... um I just wanted to saw sorry for the hole fight earlier." He rubbed the back of his head. (y/n) smiled. "We forgive you." I pulled her aside while kid just stood there. "What are you thinking, he shot me and you forgave him?!" "Oh get over it it was a fight." She walked over to kid. Ugh, he's stealing my girl.

Your POV:

I walked over to kid. Wow, how his eyes sparkle is... amazing. "So, um." "You my dear are symmetrical." He grabbed my cheek. He started to lean in. I blushed like a fool and let him lean in. I watched as he came closer.... closer. "NO, STOP GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" No, Damn it he ruined the perfect moment. "Zukoto.... why?!" "W-Why.... what do you mean why!" "I see I'm not wanted. See you later (y/n)." He winked at me and walked away. I smiled and waved. "What's wrong with you, you know I like him." "So what, you're mine......" I blushed. "W-Whatever Zutoko. I'm going with kid. I'm sorry." He grabbed my wrist and squeezed it tight. "Ow, your hurting me." "You.... Are........ MINE!!" He hugged me then picked me up and carried me to the next class. Everyone looked at us as if we were dating. Kid looked..... angry. "Yeah, kid look at me!" Zutoko kissed me. I blushed foolishly. "Zutoko, what's your problem?!" "Alright that's enough!!" Kid stood up and everyone looked at him. He walked over to us and took me.

Kid's POV:

I grabbed (y/n) and hugged her. "I think I love you (y/n)." I kissed her. Her soft, sweet lips locked onto mine. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" Zutoko punched me. "Ow, you stupid ass! What was that for?!" Everyone gasped. "I'VE ALWAYS LOVED (Y/N) AND NOW YOU COME IN AND TAKE HER FROM ME!!" I turn to (y/n). "I-Is this true?!" "I....... I never knew..." I punched him. We started fist fighting until she broke us up. "I-I like both of you..... But it'll be weird dating someone who's like a brother to me." She started to cry. "I-I'm sorry." She ran away. I turned to Zutoko. "Nice going." "Yeah, like it's not your fault either?" We started running after her. We can't find her. "(Y/N)!!!!"


Wow, intense... Okay, comment you're character got the competition. I'll pick and say your name. Only 1. If I like more than 1, I'll write down your names down and put you in my other dtk book: Skulls and Guns. Okay, toodles!

Torn By Symmetry {Death the Kid x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now