Chapter Twenty

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Under Angela's guidance, Aubrey found herself running down the corridors so fast that she almost tripped on her feet. The solution had been there all along and now that she felt confident enough to go for it, there was no stopping her as she raced to the Gryffindor tower. Well, no stopping her other than the portrait lady who wasn't so keen on the idea of letting a Hufflepuff in today.

"Perhaps if you'd come earlier, I may have been in a more benevolent mood but Violet said the most ghastly thing about my hat today and I haven't been in a happy all day!"

"Well ... maybe the idea that I could be happy will make you happy?" Aubrey suggested hopefully, looking around just in case some kindhearted Gryffindor was coming. Sadly it was annoyingly empty right when she needed someone most, "I won't be long and I'll ... get someone to paint you something nice if you do?"

"I have it all already here," The Fat Lady replied, "I have some delicious sweet wines painted by a wonderful French artist as well as a still life fruit bowl a few corridors along. I will not be dissuaded that easily!"

"Please!" Aubrey said desperately, wishing her ad-libbing skills were perfect, "I ... um, someone's sick in there and I need to go help them? No, I just said it was something that would make me happy, that wouldn't," The Fat Lady raised a quizzical eyebrow "Oh Merlin's beard, I don't have anything else to barter here! Would you let me in on compassion alone?"

The Fat Lady's eyes gleamed, "Perhaps ... if your story's juicy enough."

"Juicy?" For some reason her phrasing made Aubrey feel distinctly uncomfortable, "Nevermind, it's just ... do you know Fred Weasley?" The Fat Lady nodded, "Well, you see we've just officially got together and it was going well but then we got into a fight about ... something which I can't really say. Anyway, I freaked out because I felt out of my depth so avoided him but my sort of friend helped me realise I need to talk to him for us to move past it ... so yeah, that's why I need to come in?" She attempted to widen her brown eyes in a sort of puppy dog way, "Was that ... juicy enough?"

The Fat Lady's expression was completely unreadable but a faint smile flickered on her face, "... no."

Aubrey's face immediately fell, "No? But I bore my heart to you, that was a big step for me!"

"Yes, but your story whilst sad was fairly ordinary, don't you think? Where were the damsels and valiant knights? The love triangle? The passionate midnight declarations of love for me to discuss with my friends? I simply - "

"Aubrey?" She swivelled around, her mouth open in shock as she saw the twins standing behind her, clutching many Skiving Snackboxes between them.

Behind her, she heard the Fat Lady clap her hands, "Oh, a plot twist! I love those, my interest is peaked once more!"

Aubrey ignored her, stammering, "H-how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to hear your speech," George replied, "Nicely done, Aubrey..."

Right now, there seemed to be a battle between relief and irritation inside her regarding their eavesdropping. Unsure of how to act right now, Aubrey did a sort of mini curtsey, smiling at George, "Well ... thank you. I thought it wasn't half bad."

"Could use more flare," The Fat Lady added, remaining unfazed even when Aubrey pursed her lips at her.

Since saying her name, Fred had remained quiet so she decided to prompt it, "Fred, what did you think ... could it use more flare?"

For a few seconds, he remained speechless before shaking his head a little, "Yeah ... I mean no! There was plenty of flare, it was ... brilliant, yeah," An involuntary smile crossed her face, as they rushed towards each other, Fred's arms slinking around her waist as he pulled her into a kiss.

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