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Chapter 8
Rachel's pov:
I was out in the parking lot hanging out with August when I saw Finn angry as ever storming my way .

"Are you fucking kidding me Rachel !" He yelled "A letter ? A fucking letter ! That's how you end this shit ! That's how you end our relationship?" He yelled upset .

"Woah man , calm down." August said .

"Back the fuck off dude !" Finn said fuming

"Finn please stop ." I said

"You think you can just write a fucking letter and I'll just disappear from your life and find a new girl , well I got news for you Rachel , you are the only girl that makes me fucking happy ! I love you , don't you get that ? I love you and I always have ! The only one I wanna be with is you and after everything we've been through you still don't get that ! You know maybe you just should've stayed in New York so I wouldn't have to see you every fucking day !" He yelled and stormed away .

I stood there in the parking lot in tears and shaken by what just happened .

"Come on , I'll take you home." August said and we got into his car and left .

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