Corruption... 2

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My son means the world to me; he's the only person that I care about. He's the only family that  I have. The only family that I accept and claim. All my real family is dead or dead to me. Those dead to me should never be compared to those I care for dead or alive. I am like my father, no one matters but my son and myself.

May 30th, 1983:

Long Beach, NY

Vincenzo's Home


"Daddy! Daddy wake up! Mr. Scar and Mr.Blaze are waiting for you!" the first thing I heard when I had woken up that morning. The rust-colored mop was shaking me, with the voice of a mouse was yelling at me. I saw my reflection sort of in his swamp green eyes... sort of, but he was smiling at me with his gorgeous smile. I just couldn't resist.

"Domenico, you better get up off your father... he must be tired," said by the heavily southern voice, to the right of me, Miss Mariam Jenkins. I rolled over on to my side, and heavily embraced the little body that was once sitting up on top of me.

"Daddy! Daddy stop it!" Domenico screeched, while I showered him with soft kisses. He kept trying to pull away from me, but his little body was no match to my six-foot frame. He was struggling, so badly that it started to amuse him... he started to laugh.

"Why would I stop," I kept on kissing him again and again, I heard Mariam chuckling behind us. "You know daddy loves you, so much." I picked him up while in my pajama bottoms and threw him onto the king-sized bed.  I tickled him lightly and his contagious laughter filled up the room. I looked up and saw the brown-skinned woman look at my son and I as if she were a proud mother gazing upon her children.

"But, daddy..." he was heavily breathing after I had stopped. "Mr. Fabretti is waiting for you, he said it's urgent. Daddy, you have to go," he said to me while looking up at me... with his swamped eyes and I couldn't say no.

"Ooh, okay," I said feeling defeated. He started smiling at me, with his white baby teeth. "But, we're gonna have a lot of fun when I get back... just you and me!" I explained to him. His brown locks nodded in understanding. He just kept smiling at me, I am thankful for his happiness... because it is the only thing that matters.

"Domenico, come on let's go down and make breakfast for daddy," Mariam said to Nico, he looked up and gave her a pouty face. She looked at him sternly, "I let you wake your father, but now he has to get ready. I think Daddy would be very thankful if you help make him breakfast," she said while kneeling down to his level. Domenico looked up to me, and I nodded towards him verifying what Mariam had said. The next thing I knew Nico, had ran out of the room.

"That little boy is just like you when you were his age," she paused to make sure I was looking at her. "Stubborn, hard-headed, and crazy. Your mother couldn't handle it when you were in that phase because none of your brothers and sisters were like that." I rolled my eyes from the thought of my family being compared to my son.

"Mariam, why do you always bring up my mother, whenever you talk about my son," I turned and saw her face drop, I never call her by her first name unless I was angry. "I don't like that, don't do it again. I respect you enough, don't disrespect me or my son like that."

"I'm sorry Vincenzo," she said it rather quickly and had left, me alone to start my day. I didn't mean to frighten her, she didn't deserve that. I just can't contain my anger sometimes, it just always comes out when I don't want it to.

I walked into my private bathroom and tried to calm myself. I looked at myself in the large mirror, sitting over my two-person sink. See now that made me upset, I have a sink... made for two people, I am just one person. I turned on the sink and splashed my face, my face was now wet... the cold water cooled down my temperature. I walked over to my shower and turned on the water, letting the water get warm before I stepped inside. I walked back over to the mirror and the first thing I had seen was my Hazel eyes, my father said I had eyes like my grandmother. I never met her before, but from what I have heard and seen in silent video's, she was lovely. A word nobody has ever used to describe me but is used to describe everyone else that I know... even if they aren't. I looked into my own eyes, I saw myself looking into them, that's all.

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