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Lurking behind the trees up yonder,

In the yard, I heard its plunder.

Its unnerving gaze was focused on me,

From the top of a desolate paper-bark tree.

I heard it as it tumbled softly down,

But it made no noise when it touched the ground.

I felt shiver run up my spine,

I knew something was creeping up right behind.

Yet, there was nothing there when I turned around, 

Nothing - except a leaf on the ground.

As the trees started to sway,

The wind took the leaf far, far away.

I was left to ponder that fearful night,

How I was taken aback by fright!

It didn't return in many years,

But by then, it did not hold my fears.

Instead, it held a hopeless hunger,

You see, it yearned for a younger.

A younger 'it' to take its place,

And a younger me to fear its face.

The Inner Emotions of an Amateur.Where stories live. Discover now