Chapter I: Part 1

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I was sleeping and dreaming... But I heard some noise whose calling my name.

"Jihyo-yah! Wake up! It's already 6:45 a.m.! You'll be late at school if don't wake up now! Your first class starts at 8:00 a.m.!" it's my mom said while yelling again. "Jihyoo!!"

"Okay! Okay mom! So please stop shouting! " i said to her. And I stand up, and took a shower. I dried my long black hair with a blower. In my face, I put a little bit make up, just a little bit literally so that my face won't look dull. 

After those rituals (Haha),
I went to our kitchen and make my food for lunch at school. I ate my breakfast and I kissed my mom and say goodbye to her.

"Mom! I gotta go to school! It's already 7:35! Take care of yourself. And by the way mom, I will be home late, so don't wait for me to eat dinner! Bye mom! I love you!" I kissed her cheeks and she kissed me back as a reply.

Ok. I'm running because I don't want to be late.

(after 15 minutes..)

Finally, I've arrived at school and I have 10 minutes left before my first subject starts. I ran again, and after that, thanks God I'm not late. Haha.
Our teacher is not here yet, so I went to my chair near at the window and put my earphones on and take a nap.


after a few minutes, their teacher entered the room with a new student.
The teacher didn't notice Jihyo was sleeping.

"Goodmorning class, we have a new student, he's from BigHit University. He transferred here because of his parents and the owner of this school are business partners. Okay you may now introduce your self." the teacher said. And a handsome boy entered. All the girls in the classroom are fanboying at him. Except Jihyo of course, because she's still sleeping.

"Hi. My name is Jeon Jungkook. Please take care of me." he said. While speaking, he saw a girl still sleeping, and didn't pay attention to him.

"what the heck!? I'm introducing myself politely here and that girl didn't even look at me?! And still sleeping!?"
Jungkook irritated thought to himself.

"Okay Jungkook, you may sit beside Jihyo, the one who still sleeping. And please, wake her up. We will start our first subject." the teacher said.

"yes ma'am. Thank you."
Jungkook said. And he walks towards to his chair and sit down.


I sit down and I look to a girl beside me that still sleeping. She's kinda cute haha. I removed her earphone in left and I whispered to her left ear.

"Hey.. You.. Wake up. Our teacher is here. The class is about to start. You should wake up now.." i whispered.
But she turned her head and ignored me.
"This girl is annoying me for the second time!? How rude she is!"
I thought again to myself irritatedly.

"Yah! Wake up! Wake up! You sloth!" I stand and I shouted to her. She made me pissed.

" Who are you to call me Sloth!?" she turned her head and shout at me.

"I am Jeon Jungkook! Your new classmate. And now, stop sleeping here in class because it's not your bedroom lady sloth!" I shout to her, I'm a short tempered person, so don't pissed me off.

"Well, I don't care what your name is and who you are, you're just a new student here. So, you shouldn't try to make a scene. Or else i'm gonna make your highschool life miserable! And don't you dare to bother me again!"
She shouted at me with a death glare. Before I speak to her, the teacher interrupted me.

"Hey! Jungkook and Jihyo! Stop that nonsense! And Jihyo, I told Jungkook to wake you up. But not this kinda way that you're shouting to each other like without teacher in front of you! So the two of you! Go to detention room after class!" the teacher said to us angrily.

I sit to my chair and whispered.
"Great. Because of you dumb girl who likes to sleep, my first day here is ruined." I whispered and glare at her.

"Whatever. I don't care if it's your first day. Well, welcome to hell. Because I will ruin your days here if you bother me again. And please, don't talk to me." She said while looking at the teacher.

I glare at her. Death glare.
While I'm glaring, I felt something, someone throw a crumpled paper at me. I pick up the crumpled paper and read the words that is written.

"Hey.. Jungkook, don't talk to her (Jihyo), she's a scary person. Always quiet, no friends, and a loner . She's so cold person and her aura is kinda creepy. So no one tries to talk to her. I bothered her one time and she punch me at my face after school. After that I never talk to her. I'm not a coward, but it scares me when I remember that and her eyes are trully beautiful but can kill you if you pissed her off. But she is very intelligent, she's a scholar here in this school. By the way, I'm Jimin. Let's talk later at lunch."

I turn my head and I saw a man whose waving at me, I think he's Jimin. So I smiled to him.

"So, she's creepy interesting.. She's beautiful like a goddess but her attitude is like an ice. Cold and hard.
Well.. Park Jihyo.. You don't know who i am. I'm gonna be a king in this whole school. I will melt your ice attitude.. You badass goddess.." I thought to myself while staring at her. But she didn't notice that I'm staring at her because she's looking at the window.

To be continued...

*Hello! This is my first time to write a book! And I'm a filipino..
English is my second language!
So, I'm so sorry if there some grammatical errors.. Hehehe
so let's continue this!!

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