Chapter 6: Crazy Feelings

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Today is my first day of my rest to heal my wound and it's kinda boring so I get my box with my important stuffs. I pick my photo album.
This photo album is my most favorite pictures because it consists pictures of me, my dad, and my mom. Just the three of us.

I opened it and I saw the first picture, it's our family picture, it was taken when I was 7 years old.
We are wearing a baseball cap and jersey, because my dad loves to play and watch baseball game.

I viewed all the pictures inside the photo album and I recall all our good and bad memories. I also remember when I saw how my dad dies.
My tears are starting to fall.

"jeezz.. I hate crying.. I hate this feeling.. I hate myself.." I thought to myself while crying.

After a few minutes of crying,
I feel sleepy. So I take a nap.

"I wish that when I wake up later, this pain inside of me is already gone..."
I thought again to myself. After that, my eyes are slowly closed.


I enter inside our classroom but my feet stopped from walking. I saw Jihyo lying her head in the desk sleeping.

"What the?.." I thought to myself , and rubbed my eyes. And it reveals that Jihyo is not totally there. It was just my illusion.
After that, I walk again towards to my chair and sit.

I stared on the chair beside me. It's Jihyo's chair.

"I thought you're here Jihyo.." I thought to myself.
"Wait!? Why am I thinking?! Why I suddenly miss her? Huh!? I miss her!?
No way! Aisshh!! Jungkook! You should stop thinking about her!!"
I thought again to myself and slap my face and shake my head.

"Hey! What's happening to you Jungkook? Are you crazy?!"
Someone yelled at me, and I turned my head, it was Jimin.

"Maybe." I said to him and rolled my eyes.

"Yah. What's the attitude? Why seems lik you're in a bad mood?"
Jimin asked.

"No I'm not, I was thinking about something but I think I should stop thinking of it." I replied and I saw Jimin's face looked  confuse.

"Huh?? What??" Jimin asked.

"Nothing. Don't mind it." I said to him and we saw that our teacher is here now.

"We'll talk later, Jungkook. At break time." Jimin said and I nod. He walks
towards his chair and sit.

Our teacher is discussing about something. I really don't care about that and my studies. I study hard only when I was in a good mood or if there is something interested.

Time passed and the bell rang, which is sign of breaktime.
Our teacher left the room.

The girls in our room came to me and ask me.

"uhm.. Hi.. My name is Irene. Jungkook.. Can I ask something?.."
A girl asked me while other girls are behind her.

"What is that?" I replied to her while gathering my things. I glance to her, she's pretty but not my type. And seems she's a mean girl.

".. Ughmm..Since Jihyo is not here because she's sick, can I be your seatmate for a while?.. Please?"
Irene asked.

"No." I said and glared to her.

"But..but.. Why?.." she asked again.

" Because our teacher told me to seat beside Jihyo. " I replied.

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