Here comes the Devil

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The Next Day:

Diego and I arrived at school and the bell rang for class.

"See you later at break." He said.

I entered and the class and this time, Jorge sat next to me.

"Hey, everything alright today?" He asked.

"Yeah, I feel much better." I smiled at him.

Suddenly the door opened loudly and guess who came...

He walked over to us gave us an evil look.

"You again? That's my place. Move it." He said giving a death glare.

"Guess what? He is not moving anywhere. So you might aswell find another seat." I said while i folded my arms.

"Dont you dare talk to me with that attitude!" He shouted.

Jorge stood up and and looked at Christian.

"Wait, let me get this straight, so you are telling me that this seat is your place, right?" Jorge asked.

"Yes." He smiled with an evil look.

"Okay. Martina, get up lets go sit over there and let this person sit at his 'place'. He smirked and showed Martina which seat they were going to sit at.

The teacher entered the class.

"What is going on here? Why is everyone standing? Sit down immediately!" He demanded.

Everyone sat down and the teacher started teaching the class.

"After what you did, Christian was so confused." I giggled.

"I know right, he should think before he says anything." He chuckled.

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked.

"Sure, what is it?" He questioned.

"When class finishes, can you be bit close to me, because now that Christian is furious after what had happened, god knows what he will do next." I explained.

"Ofcourse." He smiled.

"Why do I hear talking!?" The teacher shouted.

"Because you have ears duhh.." I said.

"If I hear one more word from you young lady, then you will be sent to detention." He said sternly.

I rolled my eyes.

Now I have to sit here in this boring lesson and not talk at all!?

Yeah,thats not happening.

"Ugh, I'm so bored. I probably should have stayed home today. Im literally falling asleep already" I Whispered.

"Martina Stoessel! Stand up! Since you dont understand what  'No Talking' means, you will have to change seats." He shouted and pointed me to a different  seat.

And that different seat was with Christian Valentino.

"No thanks, im fine sitting here." I said.

"What? Are you scared of sitting with him?" Mechi Laughed.

"Haha Funny joke! Im not scared of anything." I answered confidently.

"So sit with him" she smirked.

"Fine, i will do it." I said as I folded my arms.

"Martina, are you sure about this?" Jorge whispered.

"Yes, im sure. I mean what could possibly go wrong." I Whispered back.

I walked up to Christian and sat next to him. I can imagine him with his smirking look watching me.

"Hey,Babygirl." He said.

I hated that name so much.

"Dont call me that, you know I dont like it!" I said sternly.

"Ohh, Martina...cant you be more chill. You are so serious and moody. What? got your period today? Haha."He laughs.

"Your 'Jokes' are so dumb and stupid like you." I stated.

I saw his eyes turned furious and at this point, honestly I felt scared that even my body started shaking.

"When class finishes, you are going to regret this so much." He warned.

An hour passed:

The bell rang.

"Dont forget to bring in your handouts next lesson!" The teacher reminded.

I quickly packed my books into my bag and quickly  walked up to Jorge.

"Jorge, scared." I Whispered.

"Lets go." He said and pulled my hand towards the exit of the classroom.

"Martina, I'm not finished with you!" Christian shouted.

"Jorge he  is coming closer!" I panicked.

"Martina, calm down. Just ignore him, he wont touch you. I promise. When you are with me, you are safe." He said and gave me a smile.

He sounded so trustworthy. Why do I have this feeling that he isnt lying. I know that he is an honest person. I feel it.

Suddenly Christian got closer and closer, and he quickly  walked up to me.

Within a second, i felt a stung on my cheek which left redness behind. My eyes started to water as i let out a little gasp of pain.

Jorge couldnt hold his temper anymore. He punched Christian into his face and that made him bleed straight away.

This wasnt enough for Christian. He didnt stop. He started running after  Martina.

Martina ran as fast as she could, she didnt even care which directions she took. The only thing that was on her mind was to get away from Christian.

Martina ran swiftly until  she accidentally bumped into someone.

"DIEGO! THANK GOD YOU ARE HERE!" I cried and hugged him tightly.

"What happened Baby?" He asked worriedly.

Martina tried to explain but she couldn't speak. She was crying so much but,not just from the situation but also from the pain and awful memories.


"Where the f*ck did she go now?!" Christian shouted in temper.

"I know where she went" Someone said.

Christian turned around and smirked.

"Oh, really?Where?" He asked and still had his smirking look.

"She went that way" The person asnwered and pointed the direction where Martina ran.

"I like you, how about you help me-"

"-Help you to make her suffer? Im in." The person smiled and had an evil look.



Who do you think the person was that Christian talked to?🤔

Comment below!❤
Soo Im back! I know, i know...I haven't updated for a while. I had writers block and couldn't think of any kind of ideas but today i finally had ideas.

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