19 - Spirit Animals

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6 years ago....

"Leah! Look at how beautiful this is!" Cara gushed gesturing to the ocean laid out before us. She wasn't wrong, California was beautiful, it's gold sandy beaches, clear skies and turquoise water was something I had only dreamed about. But we were here, letting the heat soak into our skin whilst we enjoyed the atmospheric scene before us.

Volleyball nets, work out equipment and outdoor showers. The only place I knew where women walked around topless and men could pull weights and kids could be kids. With their buckets, spades and armbands.

I smiled "Sure is something huh?"

"Look there's Ana." She pointed out.

I narrowed my eyes and spotted Ana, the Spanish beauty, stood on the beach in a bikini, amongst a group of people I didn't know and some people I did. I loved and hated her, she was a kind, considerate girl, but had a body that I would kill for.

Making our way over to the group, I lowered my head watching my flip flops sink into the sand as I walked. I stood awkwardly behind Cara once we stopped, she had always been the popular one out of the two of us. And once teamed with Ana, I was the third
Kardashian, is it Khloe? Before her make over...

I took a glance at the group we joined, smiling faces, beach waved hair, small bikinis and trunks.. That's when I saw him..

Those ocean blue eyes, dark hair and a mischievous smirk on his face was enough to have my heart racing. His red trunks soaked to his legs having just been in the ocean. A deep set V shape angling off his hips that had water drops trickling down.

Suddenly I was parched and he was water. I wanted to drink him all in.

I lowered my head in order to calm my heart down, but it only picked up when I looked up again to find him staring at me with an amused look.

An elbow by Cara brought me back to reality, who then laughed instantly noticing my reddened cheeks. Her observation skills were second to none and if she was around you had to keep your wits about you.

She then took her sweet ass time to introduce me to every single one of them in the group that I didn't know. Twisting herself, she pushed me forward slightly. "Leah, meet Cody. Cody meet Leah."

"Hi." I mumbled.

"Afternoon." He replied in almost a professional tone.

"Cody here is a.. What are you again? Tell Leah." Cara asked cocking her head in confusion.

"I'ma private." He answered.

"Oh. It's okay. You don't have to. I'm a private person too." I answered quickly not wanting him to feel inclined to talk to me. Just because I was almost drooling over him, doesn't mean he wants to speak to me.. Ever.

He laughed slightly and scratched his head. "No sweetie. I'm Private Cody Lawson, of the US Army."

"Oh." I answered going even redder. Smooth Leah, real smooth.

"We playing ball or what?!" One of the guys shouted grabbing the nearest available net.

"I'm in!" Cara called pushing her beach bag onto my arm before heading off with the others.

Why did I get the feeling that I was only invited to be the donkey?

With the teams set up, I sat on the sand and smoothed it over before drawing in it. Every so often I'd glance up to see them all laughing and joking. Occasionally I'd try and join in, by a few of the girls weren't as friend and completely disregarded me.  I decided to sit back slightly and observe those around me. Each one slowly pairing up with another, flirting and lingering touches on each other.

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