thank you! + facts

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clearly i'm here to thank everyone who are still reading this fanfic of mine. it has been a year since i wrote this one and i am thankful for the reads and votes that i am receivin' *hearts everywhere*

btw i will try to edit this fanfic hopefully when i'm not busy.


anyways let me give you some small facts about this story:

1) I wrote this fanfic because of a song that I've heard (which I forgot) It came up straight into my mind and boom I already thought about the plot.

2) It was SUPPOSED to be a bts fanfic but I change it to a seventeen fanfic (again) because I clearly forgot to make a ff about my bias (which is ahem woozi)

3) This was almost a true to life scenario but I'm not like Hanah. I still dont like the guy that I've hated way back in highschool until now (ps: i dont write letters hahaha no)

4) I was 16 or 15 when I wrote this so expect cliche and typographical errors along the way.

5) I finished writing this fanfic in one week before I published it. Same goes with the other two (yah oppa & paper planes)

6) I really love writing epistolary type-ish kind of story so I pursue writing that one with this fanfic

So basically thats it haha nothing amazing. Thank you again for reading my ff!! I lied about that last note (prev chapter), this is my LAST NOTE.

Expect more fanfics from me in the future! (BTS FF's are on the way) Hope you guys still support and read my works very soon.


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