Chapter One

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 Niall’s POV

“Niall. Niall. Niall” I heard someone whisper.

“Who’s there?” I said shakily. That voice. It sounds like a girl. Soft and gentle almost angelic.

“Where are you?” I said.

I turned around and there she was. The most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on. She had long dark brown hair and green eyes.

“Niall” she breathed.

I walked slowly over to her and stroked her cheek. “Who are you? Why are you always in my dreams?”

“Niall” she breathed again. “Find me.”

Find her? How am I supposed to find her? She’s just a dream she can’t be real can she?

I leaned down to kiss her, but a loud screaming woke me up.

“Nialler!” Louis yelled. “Hurry up we have to get ready for the music video! We don’t want to be late! Li’s going to kill us!”

I groaned. “I’ll be ready in 10!”

I reluctantly climbed out of bed with the thought of that girl on my mind. She seemed so real. Why do I see her everywhere? Who is she? I have to find her. It seems like fate wants me to find her, but I don’t even know her. Cheesy I know but something just pulls me towards her. Then again, she might not even be real.

I probably stood there for a good two minutes before Louis came in.

“Nialler! Are you ready yet?” Louis yelled. “Whoa. Niall are you okay?”

I jerked my head up and looked up at Louis. He held a carrot in one hand and the doorknob in the other. Typical Louis. He walked in and sat down next to me.

“Yea fine” I mumbled.

“What’s wrong Nialler?” Louis said worriedly throwing his arm around my shoulder. “Why is my little leprechaun so depressed?”

I chuckled a bit. “Nothing Louis it was just a weird dream.”

“What was the dream about?”

“Erm……well….. I saw a girl. She was beautiful and she kept saying my name over and over. I tried kissing her, but I just keep waking up every time.”

“Every time? You mean this isn’t the first?”

I sighed. “No. she’s been in my dreams for the past week or so.” I looked down at my hands and ruffled my hair a bit a little frustrated. “She seems so real Lou. I feel like I can just reach out and touch her, but she just slips through my fingers. She keeps telling me to find her.”

“Hmmmmm. Maybe you do have to find her.”

I looked up at Louis. “I don’t know Lou. I don’t know. I have no idea who the hell she is or where she could be.”

“You never know we could find her today!” Louis jumped off of my bed and started to head towards the door. “Well just get ready Niall. Liam’s gonna lose it if he sees you in your pajamas still.”

I nodded and slowly got up as Louis closed the door.

“I will find her.” I promised to myself. “I will find her.”

Nicolette's POV

"Mom! I'm gonna go and walk around in the park a bit! Okay???" I called down.

"Yea sure have fun and don't do anything stupid!" she yelled back.

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