Jasper Hale x Steampunk Reader

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Rosalie isn't in this


Being in a family full of vampires can be hard. I am y/n l/n I went to r/s in r/t. Then I moved here to Forks, Washington. As soon as we crossed into Forks we new we had entered vampire and wolf territory. Our cloaks appeared on our bodies as if they were always there. Then we heard rustling in the forest and they appeared. The one who Eli figured was Carlisle asked, "Who are you?" "Is that the way to great your big sister?", I said and we lowered our hoods. Carlisle is my little brother. After a family reunion. When my eye started twitching they knew someone was coming. It was a human. I ran to the back of the house and practiced using my powers even though I already knew how to. My powers are the elements. Started off with fire. Then Water. After that snow and ice. Next air. Finally earth. When I got to earth I could feel someone watching me. I was in my favorite outfit.

Using my wind powers I brought the person in front of me

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Using my wind powers I brought the person in front of me. It was Jasper. His face started tuning red. Then I noticed he was upside down. I dropped him and he landed on his side. Oops. Running over to him I helped him up, but as soon as our hands touched we pulled back because sparks flew. I went to put my foot in front of me and I tripped. Tripping over the stick I landed on Jasper and our lips touched from the force of the fall. Then two white cats appeared and they looked exactly the same.

 Then two white cats appeared and they looked exactly the same

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When we kissed it seemed like the whole world was brighter. We walked back inside holding hands and smiling.

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