Chapter 2 - A run in

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Before I could get my revenge I had to at least train. My old slave boss always had men around him, even though I may be the Grim Reaper, it doesn't mean I know how to use the powers or even know combat since I always worked.

I decided to go to a forest on the outskirts of the town but kept my face covered just incase if I were to have a run in with my old boss. "If I'm right I believe his name is Henry Martel when I heard his guards talking about him."

As I entered the forest it had a very eerie feeling around it that could make any man piss his pants and run to his mommy. "Good, this could help so I don't get scared easily." As I went darker I seen what looked like a old shrine till a notification box appeared in front of me.

You have found a dungeon.
Would you like to enter 1st tier dungeon?

As I read it I evil smile while I grabbed a small rock a went to a near by river and splashed it on a bigger rock and sharpened the smaller one.

You have learned the ability, Craft. The more leveled up the skill decides on how well made something is and how well it would do at its purpose. Like a knife will be sharper and etc.

Nice, now I can craft things better. I thought as I took some fiber from plants and made twine, wrapping it around the bottom and made a makeshift stone knife.

After making the knife I went back and entered the dungeon and got ready for whatever was to come. As time passed I seen nothing till I heard a noise to my left and found five fucking wolves ready to attack me. As one charged I roll back a little so I was on my back and pushed the wolf behind me into a tree head first breaking its neck as I got up.

As the other wolves were surprised I ran between two and slit a neck before turning around and stabbing the temple of the other leaving two left as they charged. I slid under one as they jumped and rammed my knife in its chest running it down to its stomach as the other turned and charged as I turned too ramming the knife under its jaw through the throat before it could bite my face, it's teeth were inches from my face as I took the knife out.

After the fight the bodies were still there so I tossed their bodies into my void chest before getting another notification that I leveled up twice as I remembered that I never did look as my stats. "Stats." I said as a screen showed my stats.

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Age: 15
Day of birth: July 8, 1303
Level: 4
Strength: 13
Perception: 19
Points: 8

"Interesting, I only leveled up twice but I seem to be level 4. Probably was already level two still, what should I should spent my points on strength so I can level up faster." I put all of my points in strength.

After I finished leveling up more I had leveled up seven more times and got fourteen points and put them in charisma so I could get better deals in the market. As I finally arrived I was looking around until I bumped into a certain someone and rolled in a alley way. "Uh the FUCK just happened!?" I asked as I see that bumped into my old slave boss and, he hit his head on a brick.

Finally. Finally I can get my revenge I was screaming in my head, but, I can't find my knife. No no no where is it? It had to fell out when I rolled. I looked everywhere on the man to find a perfect non-used knife waiting to be used. He was waking though so I cut behind his knees and elbows so he can't use them ever again as he opens his eyes fully to see me standing there.

I put my hand over his mouth so he couldn't get help as I had a wicked smile and put one finger in front of my mouth signaling him to be quiet. As I let go of his mouth he spoke. "I-I-I th-thought I k-k-killed y-you?" "You did but, didn't." "What do you mean?" "Well after killing me I opened my eyes to see the devil and found out I'm the Grim Reaper and was brought back to life. And now it's my turn to kill you." I said as I took the knife in one hand and covered his mouth with the other and stabbed his throat so he couldn't speak as I brought him back and did the same thing over and over till I got bored and took all his money which would be 46,000 Torins (the currency cause why not.) and stuffed it in my pocket and took off my coat but threw it on a roof where they wouldn't find it. So I still had pants and a shirt with a lot of blood on it as I smiled with joy and left with the thought of finally getting revenge.

From a slave to a reaperWhere stories live. Discover now