Chapter One - First Day Of Senior Year

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Before you start reading I would just like to say that I would REALLY like to know what you guys think of this story. What I have planned out I really like but I dont think I will be posting if there isn't a lot of people into it. But I'll keep posting till I get some more views! ALSO, this is not edited. If someone would like to help out and be an editor I would love to deicate the chapters to the person that edits it! :D just send me a message. Soo.. I'll stop talking so you guys can enjoy the first chapter! :D

“Earth to Chloe” Zoe was waving her hand in my face trying to get my attention. It was the first day back at school and I couldn’t help but keep thinking how I was going to break up with Nathan. We started dating near the end of grade eleven and during the summer I just stayed because I hated hurting people. I couldn’t stand his clinginess and wanting one thing the whole summer.

“Chloe!” I pretty much jumped out of my seat when she yelled. “Sorry, a lot on my mind. Have you seen Nathan at all today?” I turned to look at her and she seemed a little worried. “Chloe… Nathan has been-” She was still talking but when I looked behind her I saw Nathan close enough to a girls face to know what he was up to. I felt mad but then again it was finally going to be over with us. Wait, has he been doing this through our whole relationship?

“That sun of a bitch” I was already up out of my seat speed walking right over to him before Zoe could say anything. I walked right in between them getting up into Nathans face. “Nathan, tell me. While I was away for 2 weeks in the summer did you cheat on me?” I stared him right into the eyes while he just grinned.

“Of course not babe, you know I would never do that” I saw him look past me which I knew was the other girl he was making kissy face with before he leaned in to kiss me. I backed away pushing the girl behind me. “You scum bag!” I slapped him in the face before walking away going back to zoe who now was wide eyed. I stopped right in the middle to turn around making sure everyone heard when I yelled “It is over Nathan Johnston! O-V-E-R!” I took a deep breath and smiled.

When I looked around to see that everyone was starring. Me, Chloe Rea Jones just dumped the most popular guy in school. To be honest I was over it, this was what I wanted. “Oh my god! Chloe, you dumped his ass and you dumped it good!” Zoe was not hugging me and all I could do was laugh and hug her back. Zoe has been my best friend since kindergarten. We made it all the way to high school together and made it to the top of the school. “Let’s get ready for last period” I still couldn’t stop laughing while we left the court yard and into PE.

I didn’t know who the girl was with Nathan but she ended up being in my PE class. I rolled my eyes while I dropped my bag of clothes at the end of the bleachers and walked over to Zoe. “Look who that cat dragged in” I whispered trying not to let Mr.Coldwalker think I wasn’t paying attention. I won’t lie, I might be a PE teacher’s pet. I loved running and being athletic.

“Okay class, it’s nice to see some familiar faces and new ones. Today we are just going to do a little running and just a fun little game of volley ball to get to know everyone” He was looking over everyone’s faces while talking and smiled when he looked at me. He was a really nice teacher and I have had him for PE throughout high school. “Make sure you check into the check book and then you can go start your two laps” He headed over to the bleachers while everyone got inline to check in.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around. It was that stupid kissy face slut. I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms. “Chloe, right?” She tried to smile but seemed to fail and looked at Zoe then back to me. “That’s me, and you are?” I didn’t mean for it to come out so bitch but I don’t know what this girl has been doing behind my back with my now ex-boyfriend. I didn’t know I was going to breakup with him until I was back from my Dad’s Golf Club house.

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