06 | f l o w e r s

23 4 0

"I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you."
Roy Croft

🎧 runaway - Galantis

THE DUO ENDED up at Silverstone Avenue, where apparently all the shops in the town were located. Stacey looked up inquiringly at Parker and he replied by pulling her to the very first shop on their right. He gestured to the show glass where 'Tammy's Flowers' was written out in a perfect cursive font.

Stacey turned to Parker, arching an elegant brow. "You want us to buy flowers?"

He nodded eagerly, seemingly incapable of biting back his grin. "And then, we'll give a flower to every person we come across on the street."

Stacey nodded slowly, picturing what they would look like — two teenagers walking down the street, pulling flowers from bouquets and handing them out to strangers. What an adventure that was.

"We could do something else if you're not into this," he offered, almost as if he knew what was going on in her head. "I don't want it to seem like I'm trying to make you do something you're not interested in,"

"No, it's fine," Stacey said quickly and poked his arm. "It's your bucket list, remember? And I'm your partner-in-adventure. You lead the way and I'll follow. That's how it goes, right?"

Parker nodded, his trademark grin returning to his face. "You're the best, Stace. High-five?" He raised his hand.

"High-five," she agreed, clapping her hand against his raised one.

The alluring scent of flowers engulfed Stacey and Parker as they stepped into the shop. A small woman that was probably in her late-thirties was bent over the counter, arranging an array of buttercups in a bouquet.

"Hi," Parker said, putting up his best smile as he called the woman's attention.

The dark-haired woman looked up from the buttercups and Parker cleared his throat, introducing himself and Stacey,

"I'm Parker and this is my friend, Stacey"—Stacey gave a sheepish smile—"We want to purchase some flowers."

The woman eased them both a smile and wiped her hands on her floral-patterned apron before reaching her hand out to Parker and then Stacey for a handshake. "Welcome to Tammy's Flowers. I'm Tammy."

"Nice to meet you."

"So, what kind of flowers are we talking about here?" Tammy asked, her fingers drumming the marble countertop.

Parker looked at Stacey for her opinion and she suggested, "Sunflowers?"

"Sunflowers," Parker agreed, nodding at Tammy.

"Okay," she nodded. "Quantity?"

"Three bouquets."

"Alright. They'll be ready in just a moment." Tammy smiled at them before she disappeared into the back of the shop.

Parker turned to Stacey with a raised eyebrow. "You like sunflowers?"

She raised her shoulders, letting them drop in an shrug. "They were my mom's favorite flowers."

"Oh. But you like them too, right?"

Stacey was about to say something, but was interrupted by the arrival of a little girl from the back of the shop. She was dressed in a pink frilly dress with a glittery tiara was placed on her head. She looked about seven or eight, and in her right hand was a doll that looked like a reincarnation of Chucky. Stacey shuddered.

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