Chapter 1: My Life

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My alarm let out a loud shrill noise causing me to roll off my tiny bed in alarm. The impact of me falling on the floor made the alarm fall along with me. It's not like I'm fat or anything, but I'm not like those stereotype girls, who worry about their perfect nails and they're perfect body. I'm just me.

"I never even liked this old thing." I muttered referring to the alarm clock. Quickly, I scrambled off the wooden floor once I saw the time. I had to go to school extra early because I had practice for drama, Miss.Carter forced me into it, I'm not joking it really wasn't optional.

I sauntered into the bathroom then throughly washed my face making sure my brown hair didn't become wet. After washing my face, I threw on a white tank top, acid washed skinny jeans and white converses. Very simple because I'm not impressing anyone, am I?

I bolted down the stairs to meet an empty kitchen. I drooped a little realising my mom had went to work. Since my mom broke up with dad, she has been trying to get her life back on track.

I grabbed my usual breakfast bar out of the same cabinet I used everyday. I looked through my bag, making sure all my files and text books were in the right order and I wasn't missing anything.

Finally, I walked out of the house and to school. My school was just a few minutes away - about 10 - but in a weather like this, it seems like 10 hours! The hot sun ray pierces in my back making me walk slower and slower.

I soon approached the school gates, hyperventilating like I was having a baby.

"God. I really need to get a car!" I gasped while clutching my chest. I looked around trying to find my "group". In high school, there are different categories like: the jocks (cliche) the cheerleaders (typical) the Emos, the goths (apparently, emo and goths are two different things) the wannabes, the neeks (Geeks and nerds), the computer geeks, the mentals (people have issues) and lastly us. The normal people.

"Hey Maddie!" Lola waved trying to grab my attention.

"Hey Lo!" I hugged her tightly.

"Lucas." I said coldly, while I crossed my arms.

"Come here mads, is wittle mads still angry of me leaking out that photo!?" Luke laughed as he pulled my cheeks. I slapped his arm playfully. Basically, Luke leaked out a photo when I was at the hospital. It was so embarrassing! I had a pimple on my stomach shaped as a fish! It was absolutely nauseating, I just had to get it off!

"Shut up." I chuckled as I gave him one last shove. A firm hand draped on my neck, interrupting my chat with Luke and lo.

"Hey. " Aiden smirked mischievously. What the heck does he want? Trying to contain my anger, I wiggled away from him. I found Aiden absolutely disgusting, despite his gorgeous looks. He had used every single girl in the school, including the freshmen but, obviously, I wouldn't let him touch me no matter how stunning he is. I just find it absolutely nauseating. "If I could change the alphabet I would put u and I together."

Oh my gosh, that was so cheesy I could smell it. Who would say that?

"Aiden honey." I smiled as my hand landed on his shoulder.

"Yes babe?" He smiled hopefully. I twitched when he said 'babe' but I let it go.

"Get a life." Then I elbowed him in his lower regions.

"Fu-" he gasped while holding his 'manhood'. Before he could finish he was already on the floor crying.

"what the hell did you to my boyfriend!" Rachael yelled as she stormed towards me, now all eyes were glued on us. People stared at us as if we were a drama tv soap like Eastenders.

"I showed him a piece of my mind." I rolled my eyes.

"I am so going to have a B.F!" Rachael screamed as she hopped on her left foot then her right. It really did surprise me, how she could jump with 6 inch red Mary-Jane Heels.

"What's a B.F?" Lo, Lucas, Aiden and I asked in unison.

"A flippin' bitch fit you idiots!" She yelled making her face match her red lips. I rolled my eyes then walked away, realising I was late for practice.

"This is not the last of Rachael Ashley Smith!" I heard the crazy girl yell. I heard a mixture of cheers and boos but I couldn't care less. I sensed that Lo was stalking me because I heard her relate leather boots on the smooth slippery floor.

"I've got to - " I began until the bell rang. She mouthed something to me but I didn't quite catch it because the hard shoes of the students got over her and plus people were walking by so I couldn't hear or see. Shrugging it off, I walked into the drama room.

"Hello! My lovelyyyyyy students!" Miss.Carter sang off-tune making half the class wet their pants while laughing, that includes me. "Now Ayesha come to the front." She referred to me. Miss.Carter wrote the play herself, which is kinda sad because she's in her late fourties and she was a miss. My mom said that if a man or woman turns 35 and isn't married they're either sad or not ready. I think Miss.Carter was the 1st option.

I walked to the front facing the class. A quarter of them were actually listening, another quarter was whispering to each other, another quarter were carving things underneath the tables and the last quarter were listening to music. They basically have hoodies on and they're ear phones were on. Sneaky.

"Start from page 8 Maddison." Miss.carter announced.

"I'm Ayesha, ay country girl who is never afraid to go out in the wild. Love is my true desire but will it come? The blue skys always meets me everyday but it's not too long till I no longer stay in this earthy earth." I read from the script in mono tone.

"Excellent!" Miss.Carter squealed like a teenager, which made me shudder.


Chapter 1 done.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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