Gastina - There Is No Pushing Me Away

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Nina's P.O.V.
I am walking down the hall with Luna. Suddenly Ámbar starts walking towards us.

"Hey Lunita. Yam and Jim told me they want to ask you something about the next open. They are at Jam and Roller„.Luna looks at me.

"I'll be right back. The next lesson is in half an hour. So I'll make it before the next lesson starts„

I really, really don't want her to leave because I don't want to be left alone with Ámbar but all I can do is nod. Luna runs off and I prepare myself to get pushed by Ámbar. I'm surprised when she smiles and walks away. I am confused but relieved.

I start walking the opposite way Ámbar went but I am pulled into an empty classroom. I hear the door getting locked and in front of me stand Delfi and Jasmin. Delfi comes closer and I take steps back. I soon stumble on a desk and fall to the floor.

"I told you to stop talking to him but you don't listen!„Delfi says through gritted teeth. She leans closer to me .

"I'm doing this for your own good. You know, he would never like somebody like you. You are not good enough sweetie. You are not even a little popular. Not to mention you are not even close to beautiful! „

I'm so scared but I take all my courage and stand up to her because nobody deserves to be treated this way. So why should I deserve this?

"I can't stop talking to him completely, he is my friend! How can you say all those horrible things to me without feeling even a little guilty?! I guess you are as horrible as those awful things you are saying to me!„

I pretend not to be intimidated by her even though I'm terrified. She tries to hit me but before her fist makes contact with my skin, somebody tries to open the door. Delfi stands up and unlocks the door. Gaston is standing there and as soon as he steps in the classroom, his eyes fall on me, still on the floor. His face is shocked and he looks at Delfi with disbelief.

"What is going on here?! „He looks around the classroom. I do the same and notice that Jasmin ran away.

"Delfi?! „he asks again,his tone warning.

I am still laying on the floor and my whole body is shaking. Delfi smiles.

"Well, I asked Nina to come here because I needed her help to create a poll on fab and chic cause Jasmin couldn't do it. So, Nina felt dizzy, fell to the floor and hit her head. I was„

She looks at me and comes closer.

"...helping her up. I was making sure that she is okay. Right Nina? „She offers me a hand to help me get up.

Gaston is still standing by the door so he can't see Delfi's face. She glares at me, trying to scare me so I don't expose her lies to Gaston. I take her hand and she starts lifting me but halfway through she loosens her grip on my hand and I fall back to the floor

"Still dizzy sweetie? „She pretends to be super worried.

"please, be careful of what you do! „Gaston surely thinks she is talking about my "dizziness" because of how calm he looks,but I know she is referring to our previous little chat.

I finally stop holding back the tears and burst out crying because I can now lie as to the reason why I'm crying. Delfi leans closer and roughly strokes my head

"poor Nina you should be more careful „Gaston runs to my side and carefully lifts me up in his arms.

"Nina are you okay?please be more careful.If you are not feeling well, I can take give you a ride home. Or I could give you a ride at the end of the day? „

I'm about to accept his offer but I glance at Delfi who is burning with jealousy and signals me a no with a look that screams "don't you dare! „I stare at Gaston's eyes and he stares back at me with a expecting look. My heart drops

"I... I... I... I... „I stutter because I can't bring myself to discline his offer.

Just at the right moment Luna runs in searching for me and then bumping a little on a desk.

"NINA? NINA? OUCH!THERE YOU ARE! „She exclaims when she sees me, worry written all over her face.

I quickly mouth at her "SAVE ME". She eyes Delfi carefully and then her eyes fall to me. When she sees Gaston's arms still firm around me a huge smirk appears on her face. She is the only one who knows about my crush and Oh Boy! She is literally going to interrogate me about this!

"Nina! I was searching for you because... I... I need to know what you think on anew move I'm practicing! „she winks at me.

"Ohh! Okay! Yeah! Let's go! „I slowly release myself from him and I walk out of the door.

While I'm walking away I hear Gaston shout.

"Nina! Wait! You never answered my question! „. I pretend no to hear him and I keep walking holding back tears!

The day passes by really fast and soon the bell finally rings so it's time to go. I start walking home alone, but I see Gaston running to me.

"Heyy, um you never answered my question. If you want I can still give you a ride. Or I can walk you home? „I smile a little.

"I think I want to walk, alone. The cold fresh air really helps me think about how much of a mess my life really is„A tear escapes my eye and I quickly wipe it away, hoping Gaston didn't see it. I guess I'm not lucky today!

"Nina are you crying? „his tone shows worry.

"No I'm not! „I hide my face quickly!

"you are... „. He stops on his tracks confused but I keep walking faster than before. I am crying hysterically by now.

Gaston runs after me and soon catches up. Why does this has to be so hard? Why am I hard to love? Nothing comes easy for me. I'm tired. No I'm exhausted. I'm sick of everyone. I'm not sick of Gaston though. Why can't I have someone who will be mine. I thought that special person would be Gaston but no Delfi takes him away from me. It starts raining.

Gaston keeps walking or better running next to me and soon he turns me around. I try to leave but he hugs me and is stronger than me so he doesn't let me leave. I try pushing him and I fight him, hitting his chest but he doesn't move one bit.

"Nina stop it please. I just care about you. Please you can push me but I won't let you go, ever!There is no pushing me away! I will not give up on you, never! Nina,... You! You are the best thing that ever happened to me! Please tell me what is going on with you. „

I look up, at his eyes and I can see that his eyes are filled with tears.

"Delfi has been abusing me mentally and physically. She has been hitting me everyday and threatening that if I don't stay away from you she'll do something really bad to me. „He lets me go fast making me stumble a bit.

He looks at me shocked as realization his him hard.He growls.

"What?!How dare she?! Wait! Today morning she was hitting you?! „I nod.

He pulls me in the tightest hug ever and softly caresses my hair trying to relax me. My crying soon dies out but I'm still sobbing. I look up at him slowly and see that his eyes are puffy red, probably matching mine.

He leans in and joins our lips in a sweet kiss that lasts some seconds. We smile through the kiss and when we pull back, he hugs me tighter.

I soon relax completely and I feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep. The last thing I remember is being pulled off my feet and Gaston carrying me bridal style and lips on my lips, then on my forehead.

"sweet dreams, princesa„

Heyy!I hope you like this! If you can, please give me feedback by commenting! Byee!

Gastina/Aguslina One Shots ENGWhere stories live. Discover now