❤️meet me in the hallway❤️

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You slowly trudged out of your apartment, and down the hall to Harry's. You felt like you were walking into your own home. You were with him so much, you slept in his arms more often than your own bed.

You knew you had to tell him. That you couldn't take it anymore. That the fighting was too much and you didn't want to have to deal with it.

As you opened the door and approached the main room, you noticed he was sitting in his arm chair, wearing a deep red button up and black jeans. He smiled up at you, pulling
his eyes from the tv.

"Hey, love." He patted the leather arm of the chair. "Come sit, and I'll make us some dinner after this episode."

That's something he does that you hate so much. He acts like nothing is wrong and everything is going amazing, even though not even 30 minutes ago you were yelling and crying at each for really no reason other than to argue.

You took a deep breath and sat where he had wanted you to. He easily slipped his arm around your waist and pulled your legs into his lap, not tearing his concentration on whatever episode of Friends he was watching.

You sighed and stared at him, his pale green eyes sparkling and his lips parted slightly as he breathed. You ran a hand through his curly hair, not even sure if you should do this.

But you knew you had to.

"Harry," you said softly, biting your lip. "Look at me please."

He immediately did and smirked, as he admired every little feature of yours. He really was in love with you. "Everything okay?"

You shook your head. "N-No. Harry, listen. I love you. And everything you do. I'm so proud of how far you've come. You're amazing man with an amazing future ahead of you. But I don't think I should be in it." You were proud of how clear the words came out, even though you had practiced it in your head over and over.

He raised his eyebrows and bit his bottom lip, looking down and nodding barely. He then glanced back up at you. "And whys that?" He said in a raspy whisper.

"We fight too much," you mumbled, all your previous confidence gone. "And I'm not right for you. We just don't get along. And then neither of us want to talk about it and then we pretend it never happened."

He looked back at the tv, but his eyes were glassy, and he wasn't really paying attention at all. "I never knew our fights hurt you that much."

"They did. And I don't want to be the cause of stress in your life anymore. You'd be so much happier without the constant bickering, and so would I."

He nodded once again and tried to keep a calm face, even though what you said hurt. To him, you had basically said "you aren't good enough for me to stay, and I'd be happier without having to deal with you."

He stood up carefully, you quickly doing the same. By now his tears were visible and slipping down his cheeks and onto the floor, causing you to cry as well.

He took a deep breath and kissed your lips softly. "I can't stop you from doing what you want. Even though I don't want it at all."

You nodded slowly and knew the more you stayed around to talk to him, the more it was going to hurt.

He wiped the wetness from under your eyes and smiled sadly through his own tears. "Don't cry, love, you'll always have me. Boyfriend or not."

You just stared at him before grabbing his hand from your face and squeezing it tightly. You walked to the door and he followed.

"Maybe we'll work it out," he said weakly, his fake smile was gone and replaced with a sad look of desperation.

You nodded slowly and opened the door to leave his apartment. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the scene where Ross and Rachel have their first kiss.

You glanced back at his beautiful and distraught face one last time.

He managed to say, "If you decide to change your mind, just meet me in the hallway," before breaking down to tears as soon as the door pulled shut behind you.

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