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Dior was leaning against her locker talking to Justin when they saw Clay. Dior's eyes followed the other boy as he walked down the hall, only sparing her and Justin a glance as he walked away faster. Her gaze narrowed on to him, he's becoming a problem, she thought before looking up at Justin, who looked from Clay to Dior questioningly.

She could practically hear the unspoken question.

"Go," she said, frowning, "Don't do anything drastic."

"I won't," Justin agreed, leaning down and giving her a brief kiss before taking off after Clay, who had turned to walk up the stairs. Dior let out a breath and rested her head on her locker, looking up at the ceiling.

What happens when he gets to my tape? Justin's second one? Bryce's?

She was shaken out of her thoughts as a commotion from down the hall stole her attention. For a moment, she just watched the gathering circle of high school students before she pushed herself off of the locker and made her way over. She easily walked through the growing crowd to the front and her eyes fell on Jenna McFadden and Ariana Coherty.

"I can't believe you actually decided to show your ugly face in school," Jenna scoffed, taking a step towards Ariana who looked humiliated. Two weeks ago, Ariana had been brutally broken up with by Cooper Davis, Liberty High's star quarterback in front of half of the school. 

Dior hadn't been there at the time, but apparently he started yelling at her and listing off all of the reasons why he was breaking up with her and why no one else would ever date her: clingy, stupid, selfish, whiny, annoying and then told her the only thing she was good for was her body - proceeding to show his friends all of the pictures that she's sent him as soon as she fled the school.

"It's no wonder that Cooper broke up with you," Jenna continued, "You're a pathetic little bitch."

Dior supposed that Jenna thought she had a chance at gaining Ariana's spot in the highest social circle of the school. Jenna was wrong. Ariana is Dior's friend and Dior doesn't drop friends just because they took a slight fall from grace.

"Honestly, Jenna," Dior spoke up, slowly smiling - it's been too long since I've been able to genuinely tear into someone. Jenna turned to look at Dior, wide-eyed, and Ariana watched her with diminished hope, "You should be more concerned with the fact that your boyfriend is nailing Maya Jenkins in the girl's bathroom."

Jenna looked as if she had been slapped and all around them, the bystanders began whispering and snickering. "Excuse me?" Jenna finally spat out.

"Did I stutter?" Dior asked, stepping forward. "Get out of my face and go crawl back to your hovel, Jenna - and maybe you should touch up your eyebrows while you're at it."

Jenna's hands flew to her face, covering her eyebrows and her face went red as people began laughing around them. Without another word, Jenna pushed her way out of the circle, half jogging half running to the girl's bathroom where Dior knew Jenna would find her boyfriend getting it on with her best friend.  Thanks for the info, Juliet she thought maliciously to the girl who had given her said information that morning.

Dior's eyes shifted onto Ariana, who still looked unsure if whether Dior was going to take her back in or not. Dior rolled her eyes, "Come on," she said, "We have homeroom."

Ariana smiled, relieved and grateful, following Dior out of the circle and towards their class.



"Holy shit, Pratters, shut up!" Dior stopped dead in her tracks,  turning wide-eyed to watch Joshua Pratters chase her down the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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