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J. Hoseok

I watched her walk down the halls, her strawberry blond hair brushing past her shoulders and bouncing as she happily skipped down the halls with her sweater paws also swinging back in forth as she approached one of the room's near by Jungkook's

Curious, is the only word I have for her. You know.. right after beautiful.

Pure and young, with a smile on her face that seemed so surreal. As if it was her last days on earth and the one thing she wanted was to be happy for the rest of her life.

I never dwell on any of the patients here with Jungkook for that's their business to have. I don't pity people but I do hate seeing that they have to live their life knowing they're gonna struggle through it. Jungkook is a strong boy. It was unfortunate that he had the accident but he's getting back on his feet. Literally.

"Hyung! I'm hungry." I heard the boy call from behind me and the leather of my jacket scrunched together as I turned around to face him. He flashed me a childish pout and I frowned. "Where's Yoongi hyung with the food?"

"He's coming, Jeon." I purposely turned back around as I watched the beautiful young girl smile outside a hospital room window, a small flower between her delicate fingers.

I see her from time to time. She had always been a good breath of fresh air for me. She was so bright in my dull dark life. Even if I don't know her name.


"How you holding up, Jeon?" The boys followed in with food in their hands and I swear the poor leg-dead child in the hospital bed has never looked more happy in his entire life.

"Hyung! I'm so happy you're here." He yelled out mostly towards Yoongi who held the food. "Hoseok has been ignoring me for the past two hours."

"Hyung, Jeon. You forgot the hyung." I smacked his head abrasively and Yoongi glared at me in disapproval. "What? He's a brat."

"A brat who's legs are nearly paralyzed because of an accident we all had part of." Yoongi seethed and I looked away. Not in anger but in defeat. "Here, Jungkook. We brought LA galbi."

Everyone else was the same with Jungkook. Pitiful and guilty because he was the one who suffered the most in the accident. I was driving, not drunk— it was the other guy's fault. But nonetheless it was weighted on me the most.

There are times I wonder why I still lived and he had to suffer. Everyone came out with bruises and wounds. Me? I came out with nothing but a scratch.

I was in guilt. I was horrified by it all and it was hard for to cheer Jungkook up when it was me behind the wheel who put him in the hospital bed with legs he can't control anymore. I rarely smiled nor did I ever reply because I was hurt for him.

How can someone who knows I did it, love me anyway?

"Where are you going, Hoseok?" One of the boys called of for me as I strolled towards the door.

"For a smoke."


"Hey, did you know that every cigarette you smoke ups your chances at cancer?"

My eyes turned towards the angelic voice behind me, the woman of my dreams standing there with an innocent smile and hands swinging beside her. She giggled at my shocked expression and took the smoking stick in my hand to drop it.

"A guy like you shouldn't be asking for a death wish." She blinked at me curiously. "You're Jungkook's friend right? The boy across from me?"


She nodded enthusiastically, my heart pounding erratically every time her smile embedded further into my fucked up head. "Yes, silly."

"You're admitted here?" I asked softly, my heart clenching at the fact that her condition was as bad as Jungkooks thought she looked completely fine.

As in, fine enough for me to have dirty thoughts of her under my body screaming my name as if crying out bloody murder.

"You look at me a lot when I pass by." She smiled again looking down to my taller body and much bigger than her as well. "You think you look scary but to me you look like a lost puppy. Jungkook seems to think so too. He always talks about you during our groups."

"What a compliment." I seized my sarcasm when the girl frowned, her brown eyes hazing mine attractively. "I didn't mean it as a rude thing."

"Why do you always look at me?" She asked softly. "When I pass by, you never say hi. Everyone says hi. I smile so they know they can. But you never do but just stare. Do you think I'm ugly, sir?"

"P-please don't call me sir."


God she was adorable.

"Hoseok. My name is Hoseok."

"You don't want to know mine.."

I stepped forward when she cowered back.

The smile fading that made my heart clench. I felt like I lost a piece of me when that smile went away when that's all I've seen on her for the past months I've known her. Not known her.. but you get my point.

"Why not?"

Then her bright eyes flickered up. Almost sadly.

"Nobody wants to know a girl who's going to die."

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