You've got that One Thing (One Direction / Niall Horan)

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I opened my youtube, and typed my password slowly, making sure I didn't mess up. I had one hundered and plus new messeges. I clicked on my inbox, and started scrolling through what seemed like an endless list of new comment alerts. I sat there and smiled. All of my hard work payed off. All of the years of singing lessons, which were very hard, had gotten me here. A youtube star. 

I'm still waiting for someone to call me and say, "Hey, your an amazing singer. You should sign to this one million dollar, three year contract!" Which probley won't ever happen, unless my agent does something amazing with me. My agent is spectacular. Hes freaking beast! I love him! 

Anyways, along with my 900,000 supporters, and subscribers, I have haters. Those haters...oh my lordy, they are something. I've gotten death threats from them in my fan P.O. box. Honestly, the things they say, do frighten me. I also fear for my life when I sleep. They've said things such as, Im going to burn your house down while your sleeping, and Im going to find you, and slit you and your families throats. Don't they just scare you a little bit? 

Oh, look, another hater, "You suck. Go jump in front of a bus, or die in a hole!" I just shrug and shake it off. Some haters have made me cry. They tell me how ugly I am, or how talentless I am. But honestly, where is their singing career getting them? Thats right, they don't have one. 

Still scrolling through my messege alerts, my iphone starts ringing. Unexpected of the call, I answer. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Hey, its Curtis." My eyes widened. Curtis is the amazing guy I was telling you about, my agent? Yah, well thats him! I hope he has something good to tell me! 

"Whatcha' need?" I asked while moving my laptop off of my lap. 

"Well, you know how I've been telling you I have a suprise for you?" He replied. I could hear the excitment in his voice. This was something good, I could tell. 

"Yes!" I answered way more enthusiasticly, than it should have came out. 

I heard Curtis take a deep breath in, "You ready?" He asked. 


"You sure?" 

"Yes, yes, yes! One hundered precent! Just tell me! Tell me now!" I couldn't take the suspense any longer. 

"Okay, okay calm down girl!" He replied trying to make sure I wouldn't just freak. I was pretty close to doing that though. "I got you booked as the opening, at the Red Carpet Sensation!" 

I couldn't say anything, all I did was let out a scream of joy. 

"Owwwww! I think I just went deaf!" Curtis yelled through the phone. I let out a little giggle. 

"Sorry! Wait, but isn't the Red Carpet Sensation only for famous singers?" I asked a little sceptical. 

"Yes, but as for the opening singer, you don't need to be famous, you just need to be beyond amazing at singing. And thats just what Simon Cowell said!" My jaw dropped. 

"S-Simon Cowell? The guy that put together, the one and only boy band, One D-Direction?" I asked shaking. 

"No duh! Hes the one who put the Red Carpet Sensation together!" Right when he said that I began crying. I thought maybe this is the beginning of becoming famous. 

"I'll call you later when I've calmed down a bit. Byee!" I said in a midst of sniffles. I put my phone into my pocket and walked slowly downstairs. 

I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. I turned around, and jumped atleast ten feet back. My mom was standing right there with a huge smile. 

"Whats wrong babydoll?" She asked. 

"Let me catch my breath first, because I just had a heart attack because of you!" I stated. I almost peed myself. I was not expecting that. "Okay, well, we're going to the Red Carpet Sensation!" I shouted, while wiping away tears with my sweatshirt sleeve.

"What? How? We don't have the money for that right now!" She was completely worried. 

"Curtis called me, and said he got me booked as the opening of the Red Carpet Sensation. We don't have to pay a thing!" 

"Okay, that guy, hes just amazing! But, Im so proud of you!" My mom said while hugging me. "When are we going?" She asked. 

"I-I don't know! I told Curt that I would call him back when I've calmed down. Give me a sec!" I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Curtis's number. 

"Hey, Curt, give me the deets, now!" I shouted at him through the phone. 

"Okay, jeeze woman!" I giggled. "You need to have your things packed by tomorrow at four in the morning, make sure its enough clothes for two weeks! I will have a limo pick you up then. Its a sixteen hour drive, so be prepared." 

"Okay, but what should I bring to wear to the singing thing?" 

"I have that taken care of. My professinal stylists will be doing your outfit, makeup, and hair!" He stated. "Oh, and One Direction, and so many more people will be preforming. And theres an after party, that your aloud to go to, and talk to everyone who preformed!" He was excited, because he knew he had done something amazing for me. 

I was totally freaking! I would get to meet Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, and One Direction! I was so excited. I hope I fall in love with one of the boys. Gosh, that would be amazing! I was getting way ahead of myself. Well, I guess it could happen. 

"Well, Im gonna let you go, so you can get ready! Byee!" Curtis said. I guess he was busy, he sounded like it anyways. 

"So, what did he say?" My mom asked. 

I told her everything that Curtis had told me. I think she was freaking out more than I was. And I was going to be the one preforming! Yah, thats my mom for ya'! 

I walked up to my room, and the first thing I did was make another youtube video. I basically just talk to the camera, how I would to a normal person. I told them about how Im going to the Red Carpet Sensation. I told them where they could buy tickets, to. 

I stopped recording and posted the video on youtube. I typed Im going to be preforming at Red Carpet Sensation! The screen said seven minutes until video is posted. 

I couldn't wait. I am probley one of the most happiest girls alive. Right now. 

I began to pack my bags, one by one, minute by minute. I made sure to pack my cute clothes, just to make sure I could catch some boys eyes.

Packing my last bag, I made sure I put my laptop, camera, and chargers in it. Don't want to forget those. 

I took a long warm, shower, giving me enough time to get a good nice scrub, and think about my next days. 

I got out of the shower, put clothes on, and dryed my hair. I said goodnight to my mother, and went to bed. We both went to bed about an hour early because we had to get up at four in the morning. 

Yah, thats my first chapter. I hope it wasn't too short or anything. I really put a lot of effort into this. :3 It was tons of fun. I know the ending kinda' sucked though. I know it may not of had anything to do with One Direction yet, but it will. They might just pop up in the next chapter. >:o Hehee! Comment, rate, fan, and share! I love you all! :3 Shanksss. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2012 ⏰

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