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This was the place— territory meant to stay untouched by people like herself, to put it boldly.

The building's interior clearly had its rough years —noting some of the wallpaper had begun to peel off— but was in moderate shape if you discard minor drawbacks. 

[F/n] strolled along through corridors, ears flicking as traces of an argument grew louder. After turning a corner, whatever was being debated on was just behind the west room.

Creaking floorboards signaled others outside of the office. Two of which could be passed as no one of importance.

"Are you fuckin' blind!? There's a line here!"

Gaze affixed, childish insults and pointless curses didn't beckon her attention. It was a waste of time.

Standing before the door, she hops up to grasp the knob. Twisting it to push the wooden material forward, she steps in unannounced. All traces of disagreement evaporated under a moment's notice. Everyone taken aback by the sudden presence.

Crane releases an angered groan, rotating his head dramatically. "You need to wait in line if—" two pairs of eyelids reel. Crane reaches under the table, hand drawing around desperately for the weapon beneath view.

A giggle breaks the room's growing silence. "R-Relax." Snow mumbles. Crane continues to fumble about, finding nothing. He rattles. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I have information about that little murder you guys are trying to wrap your heads around. That poor, sweet girl, Faith didn't deserve that."

Knowing all terms burning against a stake, and time limited, his mouth clamps shut.

[E/c] eyes begin moving over at the other individuals in the room. Various thought bubbles come to life, most of which were effortlessly readable.

Looking up at the famously disliked man, she winks, receiving nothing in return. Without having to peer over at his partner, [F/n] knew well how she was responding to all this.

Regret pulls her lids down as black and white memories play like a movie. Snow partly opens her mouth to speak, to apologize, shutting it at as the words clung on her throat. 


Bigby breaks the atmosphere's growing tension, taking few steps towards their intruder. He inhales [L/n]'s unique scent, she mirrors his gesture. Nose twitching, she scrunches her face slightly with disgust.

"Did I stutter? Or, wait, you all don't even know her fucking name yet? Christ, what a joke!" Taunting laughter echoes throughout the room's abyss.

Crane knits his eyebrows together, unwilling to partake in whatever followed, claimed he'd seen enough. Rocking his head with disappointment before heeding exit.

"Get rid of it, then get back to work." Orange and black tail fur sways in motion, unaffected by the degrading remark. Sounds of a click puts most to ease.

Crane's absence now gives Bigby more liberty in his actions. "You know that girl?" Bigby crouches to meet her eyes.

[F/n] plastered a bore expression. "Well, yeah." 

A SILENT HOWL [Bigby/F!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now