Science Fiction/Double Feature

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I've found this 1975 movie that I just heard/saw and it was a really good movie, in my opinion. And Decided what if Frank N. Furter made someone else before Rocky? I read some fanfics and they just got me to this idea.

This is before and during the movie



Michael Rennie was ill

The Day the Earth Stood Still

But he told us where we stand.

And Flash Gordon was there

In silver underwear,

Claude Rains was the Invisible Man.

Then something went wrong

For Fay Wray and King Kong;

They got caught in a celluloid jam.

Then at a deadly pace

It Came From... Outer Space.

And this is how the message ran:

Chorus: Science fiction, double feature

Doctor X will build a creature.

See androids fighting Brad and Janet

Anne Francis stars in Forbidden Planet

Wo Oh Oh Oh Oh

At the late night, double feature, picture show.

I knew Leo G. Carrol

Was over a barrel

When Tarantula took to the hills.

And I really got hot

When I saw Jeanette Scott

Fight a triffid that spits poison and kills.

Dana Andrews said Prunes

Gave him the runes

And passing them used lots of skills.

But When Worlds Collide,

Said George Powell to his bride,

"I'm gonna give you some terrible thrills,"

Like a...

Chorus: Science fiction, double feature

Doctor X will build a creature.

See androids fighting Brad and Janet

Anne Francis stars in Forbidden Planet

Wo Oh Oh Oh Oh

At the late night, double feature, picture show.

I wanna go

Oh Oh Oh

To the late night double feature picture show,


Oh Oh Oh

To the late night double feature picture show,

In the back row,

Oh Oh Oh

To the late night, double feature, picture show!

"Shes' moving master"

"Yes, I could see that Magneta"

"Do we help her up Master?"

"Not yet Riff Raff, let her get up first. She needs to learn how to get up on her own. Like a toddler learning how to walk."

"But it looks like shes' having trouble Frankie!"

"Oh alright, go on and help her."

Columbia and Magneta went over to the rainbow tank, they each walked up the ladder on the side of the tank. They gently grabbed the mummified girls hands and got her up, standing in the tank. Magneta unwrapped her hands, while Columbia unwrapped her head. The girls brown hair flowed down her back in waves, her hazel eyes blinking quickly as the light shined in her eyes. Frank N. Furter Squealed as he saw his creation. He then wondered if he can make her a brother probably? 

The Brunette has on golden corset with a ribbon on as they unwrapped her torso. Frank ran up to the tank and looked over his beauty. "I shall name you...Rachelle" Frank said. The girl, Rachelle, looked up to her creator and stared emotionless. Frank put a gloved hand on her cheek and inspected her. 'She is a work of art' Frank thought. 'I'm a Genius!'  Frank smiled at her and tickled her under her chin. Rachelle giggled. Frank carefully lifted her up from her tank and placed her on the floor, hands on her shoulders to make sure she is balanced before letting her go. Rachelle looked down. Moving her left then right leg, moving her arms, hands and fingers. Like she never seen it before.

Columbia squealed. "Another girl to be friends with!" she said. Frank glared at her. Rachelle turned to her but Frank stopped her and turn her towards him. "My dear it is time for us to go to our room now." Rachelle tilted her head in confusion, but frank put her arm through his and walked to their room. Magneta, Riff Raff and Columbia congratulated them before going on to their own thing. Leaving Frank and Rachelle alone. 

'Maybe making one more person couldn't hurt." Frank thought. 'After all, it is my Mission.'

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