Making Of Rocky

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Rachelle walked down the hallway with her hair to the side and in her black stiletto heels, with a blue corset with flower designs in black. Her fishnets up to her thighs. She was clueless into finding her master. But Frank told her to call him husband, or Frankie. Rachelle thinks she got married to her creator in his way when she first came alive. 

luckily, Columbia was there, sitting on the couch in her room. Rachelle knocked on her door, making Columbia jumped, as she was doing her nails and not noticed Rachelle there. "Oh hey Rachelle. Whatcha need?" She said in her  high voice. Since Rachelle still can't speak very well, the only word she said was. "Frank" Columbia nodded. She knew that Rachelle couldn't speak yet, since she was only a day old. She grabbed her hand and took her to the elevator. Columbia pressed a button and they went up.

In the lab, Frank was making something in the lab. With the help of Riff raff and Magneta there. "Tomorrow with be the Annual Transylvanian Convention and I want to impress them with my two greatest inventions!"  Frank said. He looked at the male body in the tank, excited to show Rachelle her brother. The Elevator had reached the lab, and Columbia, with Rachelle behind her, walked over to Frank. "There you are my little lamb!" Frank turned around and hugged her. Rachelle hugged back and cuddled in his chest. "Are you excited to see your brother?" He asked her, as he looked down at her. Rachelle looked up to him and nodded. She really was excited to see her brother. They'll play games, make cake and even do the time warp together. 

"His name will be Rocky!" 

Rachelle kissed his cheek to his lips, and as they kissed, Magneta and Riff raff looked at each other and smiled. "Shes going to change him in more ways then one." Magneta nodded in agreement.

Columbia looked down at the mummified body, wondering what he'll look like. Blonde hair and a tan? or Brown hair and pale? Muscles or no Muscles? She shurgged her shoulders and walked to where everyone is at the elevator waiting for her to join them as they get ready for the party tonight.

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