Part 1

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Camila's senior year in high school was supposed to be a breeze. She was 18 now, on her way to independence and most certainly on track with her college career, caught up on all her credits, and she only had a few classes to attend for the entire year. And yet, her one mistake of skipping out on her gym credits the year before was really stomping on her parade. Now, she was required to take the last gym class of the day if she wanted to graduate and not only did she have no friends in the class, but she didn't know anyone either. Well, that wasn't entirely true. There was Lauren Jauregui and her friends. Lauren was only a few months older than Camila but they could've been decades apart with how much confidence and success she exuded. She was the school's softball captain and star player, anyone who didn't know her either had to have lived under a rock or never attended school. She even made the district newspaper one time because she nearly won the softball team the nationals. Everybody said the other team cheated. She was also popular and pretty so really, you couldn't have ignored her existence even if you tried. As for Camila, that was even more so. In all her time as the yearbook's Chief Editor, she couldn't recall even one year where she hadn't covered something without Lauren in it. Every school event, every interview, every shoutout, and almost every picture, there she was. So yeah, Camila knew her, but until now, she'd never actually shared a class with the Queen Bee athlete.

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