I didn't wanna do this

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I changed their ages to 19

Annie's POV

I wake up to the sun shining bright in my eyes. I see my head rested on Carson's shoulder and I quickly get up. I check the time and it's already 9:00 I go to the kitchen and check the fridge. It's empty and I'm hungry 😖. Since we fell asleep at four I'm pretty sure Carson is not gonna wake up till eleven at least, and he's not much of a morning person anyways, and for me , don't even talk to me if I haven't had my morning coffee yet unless you want to start a war. I check out the nearest Starbucks on my phone and grab Carson's bike keys and ride off 🏍️. I get myself a  caramel and nut chocolate bar frappucino and buy a cherry blossom frappucino for Carson who I'm assuming likes it as he took the same thing when I met him here andactually had a conversation with/ him for the first time. ( If u don't know these drinks I mentioned before they are from the Starbucks secret menu) . In the way back I picked up two chocolate croissants and some fresh fruits for breakfast.
Carson's POV
I wake up to Annie slightly slapping me and screaming my name . I see her and close my eyes again drifting off to sleep until I hear her mutter
“ that's it , I did not wanna do this but u leave me no choice" and hear her footsteps dissapear in thin atr as I swift off to my dream world. I suddenly wake up to cold water splashing over me and Annie laughing hysterically . Omg she has so done it.😡😠
A - hahahahha😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
C - oh that's it!!
( He gets up and she starts running as he chases her)
Carson's POV
I start chasing her but suddenly slip and fall on the couch as she looks back to see if I'm okay and starts running off again seeing I fell on the couch tho. I start chasing her again till she's out of sight and suddenly I hear her call my name from behind till  I turn and      ouch!
She splashes me with water again. It was thankfully only a mug this time tho.😤😤

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