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The weather was bright outside but the wind was colder and refreshing. The rustling of the nature was like music to the ears as they sway with the air. The sound of birds nearby serves as a tune while the smell of the flowers permitted the air like a cologne.

I slowly pulled away from the kiss. My eyes were locked unto his, never wavering even once. Alexander let out a lopsided smile which made me raise both of my eyebrows.

"Oh my, are you trying to flirt with me Mr. Malcolm? My wife won't like it and considering how strong he is, he could skin you alive if he were to see you right now." Alexander stated.


". . ."

'I--I k--kissed h--him?!' What just happened?! Help! I'm lost!' I felt my face burn like I was being roasted alive.

Realizing what I have done, I quickly pulled away from atop him and covered my face from him. It was so embarrassing that I just wanted to crawl into a dark hole and die.

"I--I didn't mean to do that! I--I was-- I didn't know what I was doing. You just look so handsome I--I can't help-- No! No! Not that I was checking you out, No! I was definitely not checking you out! it--it just felt like I--I just had to do i--it!" I stuttered.

Alexander laughed at my antics which made me turn red even more. Alexander stood up from the ground and dusted his shoulders and pants.

"How I wish my wife was like this. He never took the initiative to kiss me first so I was shock when you did that." Alexander stated which made me imagined an angry woman chasing after me with a rolling pin, trying to hit me for good.

"But he was so cute when he's so innocent and naivé." Alexander murmured to himself as he scratched the back of his head with a smile.

"I'm sorry..." I stated. "I wasn't trying to seduce you or have an affair with you, I don't even know what happened back there. It was like I have no control over my body and it just went like that. I'm so sorry..."

I heard Alexander let out a loud sigh as he crossed his arms over his chest. "It's okay. My wife wouldn't mind you kissing me."

I looked at him blinking. "Really? She won't mind?"

Alexander nodded with a small smile. "Yup. He's good with it."

Alexander held out his hand in front of me to help me stood up. I shook my head with a smile to decline his offer and stood up on my own. I dusted my pants and looked at him.

"I'm so sorry..."

"Its fine..."

"What if your wife chases me with a rolling pin? You do know that I have to run away. I think I can't tolerate women and their crazy mind."

"Hm... you have a point. I can't tolerate women with their crazy mindset too. I guess maybe that's why me and my wife were stuck with each other."

I frowned. He can't tolerate women yet he married a woman? Is his mind on the right track? I shook my head from those thoughts.

"What... then your wife changed you from an 'I can't tolerate women' to 'I love women!'" I inquired and nudge him on his shoulders as we walked side by side back to the mansion.

Alexander laughed. "Nope."

I looked at him with a confused look.

"Huh? Then what?" Alexander gave out a genuine smile.

"MNLB 2: Starting Over Again" [BoyXBoy]Where stories live. Discover now