Chapter 2

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Christopher Barnes

I hate going to school. But I'm good at school.

I'm no nerd I'm an epitome of beauty. Cocky much. Well I'm something you call the double s... smart and sexy.

My new friends and I are hanging out at the pavilion talking about things we missed during the summer break.

They are talking about a girl who hate guys and won't date. I kinda understand her you know I was a man who once believe in love but shit happened and you know love is stupid.

"Chris!" I was startled by Sam sudden outburst.

Sam Sanchez was my best buddy ever since I could remember he was our neighbor, and still is.

You see we both transferred here because our previous school had a security breech. You see having worth millions, billions even security was everything.

" Man you've been zooming out again "

" what? " I asked him

"See you aren't even paying attention" he sigh and shake his head in disarray.

" Melissa Jones is damn beautiful too bad she dosen't have eyes for guys" Julius my new friend said. With pure disbelief etched in his face.

" why are all good things out for market " Sam said, the whole group looked at him for any clarification to what he just said. " you see Melissa is out, and Chris here my friend doesn't believe in love too" he said opening his hands to me.

"you are like the perfect guy every girl would die to be with you" Juluis said with a challenging stare at me which I don't get.

"Every except one, excluding me of course " Gillian juluis's girlfriend.

They all look at each other. And together they said "Melissa Jones".

I look at them as if they have grown a second head.

" Guys please stop I don't want to be with any girl not even Melissa girl" I told them.

" Why? " Sam asked " Why do you hate girls?". With the three of them searching my eyes for answers.

" you remember Nicole right? " I asked him.

"Who's Nicole?" Gillian asked

"His ex" Sam replied.

" I found out the she cheated on me after the crash by then she was already dead" I said nonchalantly.

They looked at me sympathetically.

"Don't worry I got over it" I said truthfully.

Most people say that I was too young to go through this. I'm trying to prevent it from happening again and so far it's good.

You might say that I open up so easily. I wouldn't say it's opening up cause you know you should embrace the truth. But the scars it left the anxiety of hurting again has been embedded to my skull the deepest way possible.

"I'm hungry" Gillian suddenly said, detaching our mind from the touchy subject .

we headed down to the dinning hall looking at the very hot and scrumptious dish they serve tonight. Teriyaki chicken. I love chicken but I prefer spaghetti and meatballs. 

we sat at the side table by the window it overlooks the river that run through the west woods of the campus. 

After we ate. we went for dessert. I chose ice cream cause come on who doesn't like ice cream, specially vanilla Don't judge (a/n: I prefer chocolate more ;)).

We were on our way back to the dormitory unit when I suddenly bump into someone. 

She looked at me with her dark blue, captivating eyes full of rage.

"I'm sorry?" it sounded more like a question when it came out of my mouth.

"listen here mister" she said to me angrily "this is my favorite shirt and you ruin it" then I looked at the condition of our clothes it was dripping with Ice cream my ice cream to be exact. 

" your the one running in the hall" Sam cut in. 

"Whatever" she said full of hatred, "I have no time to waste on such disgusting species of human" huh?!?! she was the one who started. 

"Yah right" I retorted " as if I have time for such deceiving creatures" I spat.

She just walk away like she doesn't give a fuck of what I just said. 

" Chris " Gillian said taking my attention "that was Melissa Jones"

"I don't care " I said still angered of the exchange. " I'm sorry I need to go" I told my friends. They would ask me where but I was far enough that i couldn't here their voice anymore. 

I went to gym I needed a release for my temper. I know I have anger issues and all that. 

As I was working out my mind drifted somewhere looking into blue eyes like the ocean I could drown in. Her hair looking so soft if only I could just touch that long dirty-blonde locks.

what the heck am I thinking?!I

I pushed all my thought away and plug in my earphones. 

"What the-" Someone suddenly said.

"you!!!" we both exclaimed in chorus.

It was her!!

Ugh!! why is she here? whatever. I continued with my workout. I guess she wants to unwind too. I saw her using the treadmill. 

I must say she has a nice body. what? I'm a man.

we continued working out no words said we both left the gym.

I did my office work drinking some black coffee. 

My company was rising to the top, earning millions. Part of my fortune is donated to charities all over the world. I likely have visited half of them specially children's charity cause they are the most innocent human being waiting to be tainted with cruelty of reality. 

Most children their got through such amazing challenges. But they can still bright up a room with their happiness. i realize that not many are lucky enough to have a privileged life like mine. most of them grew up  in the dump they got picked up by social welfare assistants. 

I took a bath at my rooms bathroom.

I only sleep in sweatpants. 

I slept with my thought focused on the beauty of Melissa Jones



I hope you like the story. Anyways thank you thank you for checking my story out have a great day!!!

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