The Fault In Our Stars

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Okay, well I'm no expert in symbolism or in any way as highly talented as John Green but I think understand the title of his story, "The Fault in Our Stars"  well.

I spent so many nights re-reading and thinking about his novel that I tried to grasp the meaning, which, I have to admit is so damn deep, keep reading to find out the hidden meaning behind the best-selling book, otherwise know as TFIOS...

Most of you probably know that somewhere in his book, Green writes- "But it is the nature of stars to cross, and never was Shakespeare more wrong than when he has Cassius note, ‘The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars / But in ourselves."

So yeah, he quoted Shakespeare, big whoop?

Very big whoop.

You guys know that stars is like a metaphor for fate? yeah, well, it is.

So like you hear people say star-crossed lovers. Basically saying that it was fate that they were going to meet and that their paths were made to cross.

This is kind of like that. Shakespeare's quote is literally saying, the fault isn't in fate but its in us.

You always here people say, it was fate that it wasn't meant to happen, don't worry.

Shakespeare is saying don't blame it on fate if its your own goddamn fault. Literally.

However, Green changes it to The Fault in our Stars. The opposite to Shakespeare's words.

So he is basically changing it from blaming ourselves, to blaming fate.*slow clap*

There is a reason behind it though...

There is no way that Hazel or Augustus could stop themselves from getting cancer, it was fate.

They can't blame it on themselves so the fault isn't in them, its in their fate.

Hence the name, The Fault in our Stars.

The Fault in our Fate.

A.N- yeah, that's about it, vote/comment if I changed your perspective on the book yay :)

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