Crismsonphoenix105's Question

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Crimsonphoenix105: What if Pinkie had to be sent back to the rock farm? (Pinkie can answer too)

Pinkie Pie: i'd be very sad because I would miss my friends and I'd have to just mine rocks all day! no parties, no laughing, no jumping around and NO CUPCAKES!

Twilight: we would miss you too Pinkie but if you went back they'd had to have a very good reason.

RainbowDash: Heh, it'd be weird without you pinkie everyone would get mad or be grumpy all the time without your hyper-ness

Rarity: Darling, just who would keep me awake if I was doing an order for someone?

FlutterShy: And you throw the best parties for my animals especially angel

Applejack: and you and me make the best apple pie's id just take all the laughter out of me if you'd leave

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