Chapter 4: What now??

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        Now that we are all caught up. This day was different to every other day that I had spent with these guys. On this day, Danger got hurt and I needed to leave the house. There is no way in hell that there is an animal out there who could tear up a leg like that. No way. As everyone called out to me, I felt myself changing form slowly. If I stay there any more, I'll become more me, and I must not let them see who I am. NO ONE MUST KNOW WHO THE HELL I AM!!! NO ONE!!!!! I screamed in my head. Now fully in my real form, I had come to a halt thinking that I'm far enough for me to catch my breath. After a few huffs and puffs, I heard rustling from a bunch of bushes behinds me. Turning around all in defence mode, I patiently waited for whatever was in the bushes to come out. After hearing silence again, which felt like an hour by the way, I heard a cheeky but creepy tone, "I know who you arrrrrreeee!!" This is a tone that I was familiar with. As I lowered my defences, I say as quietly and calmly as I can, "Come on out. I know you are out there. I also know who you are. So show yourself." My own voice was enough to scare the berjebers out of me. This is it. My past is back, and it stings the death its self, plus the other guys are involved with my past now. Something that I have tried to keep from them.

        Not knowing what was about to happen, I wait patiently for movement, but nothing happened. Then out of nowhere Mistry showed up with a confused look. "Who are you??" He asked. Looking down to the ground, I stood there in silence for a while. Could that have been him who said that... Or was someone else here just now... I didn't know what to think. Seeing that I wasn't going to reply any time soon, Mistry asked if I was Maddison and if he was correct to nod my head. I did, then he said that he would explained to me the reason he was disappearing so often, and the reason made me think if I knew him before a few months ago. This is what he said. "I know this may sound strange, but I know that you and the others have been wondering where I keep disappearing to, so I will tell you because you're here. I have been seeing the one that I am meant to protect, and she goes by the name... Lady Life..." My head shot straight up. "Oh, seems you know her. Anyway, I swore to lay my life down for her, although I am an angel. With that said, I have only come back to the house because my master said that her older sister was there and may or may not remember her whole past. It may be the same for her protector. He goes by the name Agroth and he is a demon but no one who knows him has seen him since the incident, years ago." Wait... What incident?? I don't remember an incident ever in the forest... Wait what's this... My head... I thought to myself. As my head started to spin and I fell, Mistry caught me and said, "Found you."

        When I came too, everything was dark. I heard voices but didn't recognized them. A door opened and there was a man standing there with nice bright orange bird like wings, a bright red ring above his head and long hair. These were the only features that I could recognized, everything else was too dark to see. He came closer to me and asked if I was awake. I shot straight up as I recognized his voice. "Mistry??" I asked with my head pounding. He laid me back down and said, "Take it easy. Do you remember what happened??" I remembered that name, the massive battle between the Heaven habitants, the Hell habitants and the humans, but everything after that was a blur. "I remember the battle, but I don't remember what happened after that..." I said to him. "Where is my little sister and Agroth??" I asked. The man's face is more visible now and he has sadness in his eyes, as if I had forgotten something important but I couldn't work out why. "She doesn't remember us... Why??" A little boy said at the door. Confused, I asked where I was. "You... are..." The man's voice trailed off. What is it the I am missing??

                                                                                                                                                               To be continued.    

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