Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

A perfect metaphor for my life would be 'someone trying to stand up in a hammock.' No matter what I do, it never works out. Take this situation, for example.

"Um, I tripped." I nervously tell him, and try to back away. If doesnt work, and I internally facepalm.

Way to go me, I've officially won the award for dumbest lie ever!

Spencer grabs my arm to prevent me from leaving, and raises an eyebrow. "You tripped?"


"Yep! I can be a real klutz sometimes. I tripped on my own to feet and wacked my head against the doorframe to my room."

"Okay enough of this crap, Angel. Don't lie to me. What's going on? Was it Veronica?"

"No! It wasn't her. I just. I.... I"

Spencer put his hand up to my face and traced the outline of the bruise. "You couldn't have accidentally made a mark this bad. I've been enough fights to know what type of bruise that is."

I stay silent while he tries to get me to talk.

"Who hit you?" His tone died down towards the end of his question.

"I don't want to say." I answer him honestly.

Well, kind of. The truth is, I kind of do. I barely know the guy, but I feel like I can trust him. I'm tired of this, I really am. I want to be able to confide in my friends without having to worry about my dad.

But I can't.

I know that if my dad figures out that I told people, he will kill me, and who knows. Lately my dad has reached a new level of crazy, and I wouldn't put it past him to hurt Spencer if he found out that he knew.


His sentence was cut short by the sound of my best friend. "Riley! Thank god, I thought you left!" I turn to face Ruby, and am immediately engulfed in a hug.

"Nate took care of Veronica. You should be fine now." My eyes widen.

"What do you mean he 'took care of her?'" I ask.

"He didn't physically touch her, don't worry. He just stood on a table and told the students in the cafeteria that she was lying about you to cover up the fact that she was the product of a faulty condom and a drunken one night stand."

My jaw dropped. "He did?!"

"Yep! She ran out of there so fast I thought her shoes would melt there for a second." She told me. I laughed.

Ruby released me, and that's when she got a good view of my face without makeup on. Her eyes widened slightly, and she looked between me and Spencer. I guess she kind of figured he knew what was happening a little bit.

"I have some back up make up in my bag, but I left it in the cafeteria. You go to the bathroom and I'll meet you there." I nodded and thanked her. She took off, and I was about to head to the bathroom when I hear Spencer clear his voice.

"This conversation isn't over, Angel. I'll wait until you're ready, but eventually you need to tell me what's going on."

I turned around and nod, not expecting him to say anything different.

"Okay. I will, I promise. Thank you for what you did earlier, it means a lot."

"It was nothing, I'm just happy I got to hold a cute girl in my arms." Spencer winked, and I scoffed.

And just like that, things were back to normal between us.


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