Changing Lives

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I walked slowly at the beach watching my footsteps and  then I wondered where could he be right now and what would I have been without him. I'm Gabriel  and this is the story of how I met a person that changed my life.

It was the summer of 1953 when I met a person named Michael. I was swimming in the ocean and drinking beer with my friends, when I saw a boy with glasses and geeky checkered shirt, he was also carrying a book. The first impression I had on him was that he would never be my friend. I just didn't understand people who wasted their time reading. So I took the liberty of daring one of my friends to take the geeky boy's book and throw it in the water and so he did. We could see how frustrated the boy was and we laughed at him.You might be asking why I did that, well as a teenager I was someone who liked picking on people especially geeks, maybe it was because I was jealous of how good they were with school and because I feel anger in everything. I was always the" do what I want to do type." and this was because freedom was ultimately given to me. My parents never interrupted the things I did.  One day as I was making my way to the park alone, when I saw him- the boy we bullied. I hastened my walk in order to pass by him swiftly but then he was able to grab my arm. You wouldn't believe how a guy like him had such strength in his arms. As he grabbed me he said, "Weren't you one of those guys at the beach who threw my book away?" he said in a shaky voice. I can feel his fear of me and so I told him, "so what if I am you got a problem with that?"  he said "no I-ah don't " then he let go of my arm, but in a few seconds when as I was about to walk away he asked me in a stuttering voice that he wanted to be my friend. As a known bully I said no, but when I walked away from him I felt an urge to approach him and as a guy who did what he wanted to do I did something weird I  looked around my surroundings and made sure that none of my friends would see me. When I was able to secure the area I jogged to where he was, when i reached him I said "Hey, you really wanna be my friend? He nodded intently and so I told him to follow me to my car and we would go for a drive. As we reached my auto we both got in and talked, I asked him what his name was and he said his name was Michael. It was a name that shook me for it was the name of my elder brother who died of a gunshot two years ago he was on his way home then, when there were two men who fought with each other and accidentally they shot my brother, I got so angry at everyone when I found out but I was especially angry with life. Michael must have read my expression cause he immedietly asked if he had done or said something wrong, i said no it was nothing and I started the engine and drove. We went to a place called Blossom Street where not so many people were around, there I got to really know more about who Michael was. You see we went to his home and there I found out that their family lived in a really large mansion I was really shocked then and there. I always thought that their family didn't have financial stability because he always rode the bus on his way  to school, rich kids have their own cars. He humbly introduced me to his home and his family, his parents were genuinely kind to me and I realized that he must have learned how to be a noble person from them. After we helped his mom carry the laundry to the basement Michael and I went to his room, as I entered I stopped in my tracks, his room was awesome, it was fully equipped with instruments- guitar, piano, even drums! And believe it or not he knew how to play all of it. We spent our time talking and there I got to know him better. I liked Michael he reminded me a lot about my brother, and maybe if he had lived from the tragedy I woudn't be the reckless boy that I am right now. During the rest of the day Michael and I had a lot of fun, I got to do things that I could never do because of my chosen set of friends. I got to read books again and listen to songs that would relax my mind not one of those songs where you only heard the drums with no melody. That day I realized I want to be like this from now on, I don't want to be the boy who is always angry with the world I just want to be me again. The boy who always had time for others, time for fun and time to relax. The next day Michael and I went to the beach for a swim, my friends were there but I just didn't care about them anymore. When they saw me they laughed and pushed me in the water calling me names, of course I knew that this was going to happen, but then I thought so what if I don't get to be one of them anymore I don't care at least I already found myself again and it was all because of Michael. That day we also visited the orphanage that Michael loved to go to. Upon entering the gate of Saint Therese orphanage I witnessed how loved Michael was. The kids there immediately ran toward him with arms wide open waiting for his hug Michael lifted and spun each of the tens kids that he loved very dearly. It was just a glorious sight to see, when he introduced me to the kids I felt a  sense of paternalism, a feeling that each of those kids were already a part of me. Its good to feel like I am finally  awake again after all those years of just allowing myself to be engulfed by grief and anger I'm free and its all thanks to the geek who was bringing a book. Summer passed quickly and  classes were already starting again Michael always rode the bus on his way to school I don't know but he just does it. Anyway it was the start of class and we already had a lot of things to do like homeworks, of course now I have to do my assignments considering I am a changed man, and so Michael and I didn't see each other that much although at weekends we always visit the orphanage together and on some weekdays we find time to play basketball. One day as I was on my way to school I received.a message from my former friends saying they'd be having a back to school party and they'd want me to come. I was suspicious of course because as far as I am concerned my days with them are over. At friday night I decided that I wanted to give them a chance just like what Michael gave to me, a chance to start a new life and a fresh start, when i entered the house I noticed that it was really quiet and there was no light so I walked slowly when suddenly someone punched me in the stomach. The events were too fast first i felt a sudden pain then I was on the floor gasping for air. When I touched my stomach I felt intense pain and some kind of sticky liquid then I realized I was stabbed I looked around grimacing and saw the faces of my old friends the pain was agonizing now and then one of them spoke it was Andrew he said I already knew a lot about the group an they woudn't just allow me to get away easily. I knew the group were selling drugs at school, they were also a part of an organization that sold illegal firearms. As he continued speaking I realized that Michael was behind Andrew and the guys then he suddenly smashed a plate on Andrews head then I fainted. In what felt like minutes I woke up in a hospital and suddenly remembered everything my stab wound Andrew  and Michael where is he? So I sat and viewed the room when I saw my mom I asked her "where is Michael mom?" mom just shook he head it made me nervous and then she said he was gone apparently when I was still unconscious Andrew had grabbed his gun and shot Michael in the chest. The neighbors heard the sound and called the police, the ambulance was fast and they were able to treat me, my mom said that Michael's heart had stopped beating on the way to the hospital and that he died in the ambulance. As I was hearing the news I felt a lot of feelings, things like anger and regret that I ever went to that stupid house it was all a trap and because of that my friend died. The one person who was really good an who could have done great things for the world I felt like it was all my fault everything was because of me, It was all too much to think about. I wanted to breakdown and be angry with the world but I just can't somewhere inside me I heard a voice, a small voice that echoed and said that I wasn't the one to be blamed neither is it the world, it is all part of a great plan that the Lord established and soon everything will work out. I just needed to accept things that everything was going to be okay, that Michael was happy wherever he is. As i was discharged from.the hospital I went to visit  his grave there I asked for his forgiveness but most of all I thanked him for entering my life and changing me for the better, I promised him that I would continue to help others especially the children in the orphanage. As I walked away i felt a rush of air behind me and I knew who it was, it must have been him informing me that what i plan to do is good and that he approves of it. Months passed and soon  I graduated high school. I decided to take up Education as my college degree I wanted to teach children especially those who seemed to have lost their ways. As I was packing up my things from high school I saw a rectangular object wrapped in a gift paper with a note written on it; it said:

"Dear Gabriel,

now that you've realized who you want to be I hope you would always be able to inspire children to be good. Make your dreams into a reality Gabe and know that I will always be at your side to guide you with what you do

Your good friend,


when Gabriel finished reading the note he opened the gift, inside it was the same book that Andrew tossed in the ocean the day he first saw Michael. The books cover was entitled Teaching Others, when Gabriel opened he smiled for in the front page of the book he found a photo of his once rebellious self below it, it said "the one I chose to change" all along Michael already planned everything and God made ways for his plans to become real. Now it was Gabriel's time to help someone change and so he searched. As he held the book he got an impression that he wanted to go to the beach. As he arrived there he walked and gazed at the sea, wondering where Michael was now and what he was doing. It was then that he found a boy picking on someone else he approached the bully and asked for his name, the boy said his name was Jordan, and then Gabriel said " well hello there Jordan I'm Gabriel I noticed that you picked on younger boys how'd you like to talk about why you behave this way? just treat me as your older brother. would you like that? The boy's face softened and in a meek voice he said yes. It was the start of Gabriel's mission and soon the young boy also found his way back to the right path. Jordan was actually wise for his age and very mature too. The boy reminded him of how he was as a child and Gabriel said inside his mind that he liked doing this-helping others. Soon enough Gabriel started an organization where Jordan was also a member, it was an organization where every week they bring in a new person who seemed to have an emotional problem and they would help them. Those people can also come back to bring some other people with a problem and the process repeats. That was just the beginning for Gabrie. As Gabriel went to college he met a lot of people both good and rude, when he saw those rude people though he always made time to confront them and talk to them for he knew there was some kindness behind their stony hearts. Years passed and Gabriel became a successful teacher not only to children but also to people who lost their way. Every year Gabriel visits Michael's grave and he would remember everything that had happened,  he would thank God for giving him the oppurtunity to meet a man who was full of goodness, and then he would also say some thanks to Michael for urging him to be better. Gabriel rises everyday with a smile eager to help everyone in need and eager to teach others to be outstanding and productive individuals....THE   END

"There are times in our life when we would be given a chance to meet people with such large hearts that they would influence as to become one like them as well, when one of people do come we must thank God for giving us an opportunity to be with these people. "

                   -Rosalyn Yu

P.S Pls tell me your reactions about the story I wrote, I would really love to hear comments from you guys

                   Sincerely Yours,

                                   Rosalyn Yu

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