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The room is dim, and it seems to match Jamie's mood almost perfectly. A TV set is switched on and plays lightly in the background. Everyone in the room looks up at the TV as Eddie's name is mentioned.

"Officer Edit Janko was pronounced dead at Mercy hospital after being shot twice." The reporter announces. Jamie can't help but feel a surge of anger about how insincere the news anchor's condolences sounded. "Her attacker fled the scene and has yet to be apprehended."

"Jamie." Eddie groans in the hospital bed beside Jamie. Jamie quickly shuts the tv off and turns toward Eddie. Her eyes flutter open for the first time since she lost consciousness in the parking garage.

"Hey." Jamie says softly, he rests his hand on hers a small smile on his face. Eddie can't help but notice the relief that floods Jamie's face as he looks at her.

"What happened?" Eddie questions, Jamie knows she isn't referring to the gunshot wound. "Why are they saying that I'm dead?" She asks, Jamie sighs leaning forward in his chair.

"Eddie." Jamie gets cut off as Danny and a nurse enter the room.

"Officer Janko, how are you feeling?" The nurse questions. She approaches Eddie's bed leaning over to check the bandages underneath the sling currently supporting Eddie's arm. Eddie winces as the nurse's fingers pokes at the bandaged wound.

"Sore." Eddie remarks through gritted teeth. The nurse doesn't seem to notice the pain that she is causing and continues to poke around. Finally the nurse stops poking at the hole in Eddie and turns towards her IV bag.

"Ok, you can have the room now." The nurse stands up straight and nods over at Danny who quietly thanks her. Danny watches her until the door is closed completely behind her. The room stays silent for what feels like years before Danny finally speaks, sighing heavily before he begins speaking.

"Did you tell her anything?" The question was directed at Jamie, Danny was looking down at Jamie expectantly, hands on his hips.

"No." Jamie answers so quietly that Eddie wasn't even sure he had said anything. The only clue that he answered was Danny's actions. He sighs heavily once more before turning slowly towards Eddie, who was still very clueless as to what the hell was going on. She was starting to get agitated, while the brothers just exchanged looks.

"Will one of you just tell me what's going on!" Eddie shrieks or at least attempts to. Her voice was much more horse than she had originally thought. The shirek comes out as more of a croak. Jamie and Danny exchange another look causing Eddie eyes to narrow at the two of them.

"Ok. Ok. Ok." Danny holds up his hand taking a step closer towards Eddie's bed. "We ran the blood that was on the knife that was dropped at your door through the system and we got a hit." Danny starts, although the whole time he is speaking all that's running through Eddie's mind is the fact that this wasn't answering her question. "The blood belonged to Jacob Serviot." Danny states, and Eddie shakes her head holding her uninjured arm up to stop him.

"Yeah Jamie told me that earlier." Eddie tells him.

Lieutenant Sevoit worked down at 1PP, Eddie had met him on a few occasions. He had always been kind and was a very well loved lieutenant. This just wasn't making any sense. Danny could see the wheels turning in Eddie's head so he continues.

"Sevoit's body was found in his home about an hour ago." Eddie takes some time to process this information, this was starting to get weird.

"Wait but what does this all have to do with me?" Eddie asks. Why the hell would whoever killed Lieutenant Sevoit send the knife they used to Eddie's apartment and then threaten her. She didn't really have any connection to Sevoit.

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