First day of pre-school

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     Saeran's POV

     It was about 7:00 in the morning. I didn't want to get up, but then I remembered it was Kailee's first day of pre-school. "I don't want her to go... She's only 3 and a half..." I said. Vanderwood was already awake, probably making breakfast or cleaning. I went to Kailee's room to wake her up, but she was already coloring on her bed. "Hey, Kailee! I see you wake up fast," I told her, and she nodded. I kneeled down next to her. "So, are you excited?" I asked. Vanderwood came in the room. "Yeah, I can't wait! I don't really want to leave you guys though..." She said. "Well, you have to, but we'll be back to get you soon, I promise."  Vanderwood told her, smiling. "So what do you want to wear?" I asked her. "Just my jeans and a t-shirt," she replied, walking over to get her sneakers. I picked out her clothes and helped her get dressed. Vanderwood went to finish breakfast, and we ate. "Okay, so daddy Vandy is going to take you to school, I have to work, but I'll pick you up, okay?" I told her. She nodded, getting her jacket. " See you later, daddy Sae! " She told me, going to the car. 

     Vanderwood's POV

We got to the building in about 10 minutes. Kailee hugged me as we walked into the classroom. "Oh, what's your name, sweetie?" The teacher asked. " K-kailee... " she replied, not letting go. "Kailee, you have to let go of me..." I said, trying to get her off of me, but failing. "I will miss you daddy Vandy! " She told me, finally letting go. "My husband's gonna come pick her up at about 1:45, is that okay?" I asked the teacher. "Of course! Bye! " She replied.

     Kailee's POV

I finally let go of daddy Vandy, running of to the other side of the room. There were a lot of kids my age there, but most of them were in groups. I found a girl, she had brown hair, it had clips in it. She walked up to me. "Hi! I'm Yoonri, what's your name?" She asked. " I-I'm Kailee Choi... " I said. I was happy to meet someone, but I was still shy. "Cool! Was that your dad that just left?" She asked. "yeah, my other dad is gonna pick me up later. " I told yoonri. "You have two dads? What about your mom?" She asked. "I don't know, I was adopted." I replied. " Oh... Well, do you wanna go play with me and some of my friends? " she asked. "Sure!" I said.

 ~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~ 

        Saeran's POV

I got out of my car, making my way to the building. 'Maybe I should have worn something else... ' I thought. I was wearing my usual outfit, my leather jacket one. The shoulder kept slipping down, so my tattoo was exposed. I walked into Kailee's classroom, slowly. "Hi! Who are you here for?" The teacher asked me. I noticed a lot of the kids in the class were just noticing me, and they were wide-eyed. "Kailee Choi," I replied to the teacher. "Okay, I'll go get her. " 

     The teacher came back with Kailee, and she didn't hesitate to hug me. I saw that she was crying silently, something she had taught herself to do a long time ago. "Thank you," the teacher told me, and we left. When we got in the car, I asked Kailee, " What happened? " "These two kids kept pushing me down, they gave me scratches," she said, showing me her hands. They were bleeding a little. "What did they look like? " I asked. One was a boy with blue hair, the other had blonde hair, she was a girl, "she replied, she stopped crying, but her face was still wet. "When we get, home, why don't we talk about the friends you made? I saw you with a group of people, you looked happy," I told her. She nodded. "There was Yoonri, Angel, Taemin, Lucy, she had red hair, too, and Jada. "

 A/N: Yoonri was Yoosung's daughter, Angel was ZEN's, Taemin was Jumin's son, Lucy was Seven's daughter, and Jada was Jaehee's daughter.

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