LIVE Eviction and HOH

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Julie: Four nominations, third competition win, and two sides of the house, welcome to Big Brother! Good evening America, I'm Julie Chen. Sarina, who placed fourth on her first season and fifth on her second, won the power heading into week two. She originally set her eyes on two-time runner-up, Paul, trying to nominate ally, Cody, as a pawn. But when Cody revealed that he had been given the Pendant of Protection, Sarina was forced to nominate "flirtmance" partner, Clay. After Clay won his third competition of the season, Sarina was forced to nominate two-time final 2 member, Dan, against target, Paul. But with the power now shifting to the house, who will be evicted? It's time to talk to the house. Good evening, housemates!

Housemates: Hey, Julie!!

Julie: It is now time for the live vote and eviction. One at a time you will each enter the diary room and cast your vote to evict. Sarina, as HOH, you will only vote in the event of a tie. The two nominees are not allowed to vote. Kaysar, you're up first. Kaysar is in an alliance with both Dan and Paul, where will his vote lie? Hello, Kaysar.

Kaysar: Hey, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your vote to evict.

Kaysar: I sadly vote to evict Dan.

Julie: Thank you.

Kaysar: Thanks.

Julie: Clay is in a flirtmance with Sarina who has set her eyes on Paul, his vote should be obvious. Hello, Clay.

Clay: Hey, Julie!

Julie: Please cast your vote to evict.

Clay: I vote to evict Paul.

Julie: Thank you.

Clay: Thanks, Julie!

Julie: Ivette came into this game with Paul and immediately aligned with him and Dan, who will she vote out this week? Hi, Ivette.

Ivette: Hi, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your vote to evict.

Ivette: I vote to evict Dan.

Julie: Thank you, Ivette.

Ivette: Thanks.

Julie: Alex is also in a flirtmance with Sarina, will he take the opportunity to get out her target? Hello, Alex.

Alex: Hey, Julie.

Julie: Please cast your vote to evict.

Alex: I vote to evict Paul.

Julie: Thank you.

Alex: Thanks.

Julie: Daniele has shown no signs of who she is voting, but will she vote with her father and alliance? Hello, Daniele

Daniele: Hi!

Julie: Please cast your vote to evict.

Daniele: I vote to evict Paul.

Julie: Thank you.

Daniele: Thanks!

Julie: Jessica went hard to get Paul out on season 19, will she do the same tonight? Hello, Jessica.

Jessica: Hey, Julie!

Julie: Please cast your vote to evict.

Jessica: I vote to evict Paul.

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