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I have a fun surprise for you in this chapter. Be prepared.

"Sophie sophie sophie. No need to act so tense." Elwin's soothing voice ripples through my mind as I tried to push past his surprisingly strong arms. 
"What are you talking about?! My mom is sick or in trouble or...whatever!"
"Whatever?" He repeats with a raised eyebrow
"Yes whatever! I would know if you would let me see her."
"Okay. I guess you can see her. She's resting right now but-"
"It doesn't matter! Just let me see her!" My desperation was staring to deep through.

He sighed and muttered " well I tried to warn you" and let me pass into the next room.

As soon as I walked into the room my senses were overwhelmed by the smell of baby powder. Why baby powder? I scanned the room to look for my mother. I saw an empty bed, a picture, a vile of medicine, some weird work table, a trash can, a baby bed, a book bag, a- wait. I looked back. A baby bed? I gasped and turned around my silver cape swishing with me to find my mother, Edaline, lying in bed with a small baby girl. If possible my eyes widened and she smiled gently. "Surprise"

What. Was. Happening. My mind couldnt comprehend. She had been pregnant? I had been away from home long enough not to know? THEY DIDNT TELL ME?! 

"I-I don't understand. Why is there a baby sleeping in your hands?"

Edaline laughed lightly at my question and nodded not being able to move her hands because of the baby.
The little angle stirred in her sleep and cooed 'mommy'.  HOLY COUNCILOR I forgot that all elvish children could talk immediately after they were born.

"Her name is Braelyn and she's your sister" Edaline started with a smile looking back and forth between me and Braelyn.

"What do you mean she's my sister?",my thoughts were racing and my shock was fading replaced by not anger but disappointment, "Why didn't you tell me?" My voice was soft compared to my last question.

"Oh honey, no, it wasn't meant to hurt you. We just thought it would be for the best if you didn't know. You were so busy with all your elite tower things that we didn't want to stress you out or make you worry. Because Grady and I know that's exactly what you would do and I'm fine," she gestured to herself and her baby, "see?"

I couldn't blame them. I would've done what she said. That didn't mean I wasn't still disappointed but it meant that I was going to move past it and be happy about it.  I'm glad that they both love me enough to know whats good for me even if I don't.

"Hey speaking of Grady, where is he? Shouldn't he be here? With you?"

"Right! He was here and he has been. He went to go talk to Elwin and I think he needed to have a small break. This whole thing is bringing back some memories. I bet he's taking a walk. He'll be back soon though so you can turn that frown upside down."

I smiled and walked up to my mom.  I wanted to bear hug her but I settled for a kiss on the cheek instead. I looked down at Braelyn and you could already tell she would be an EXTREME heart breaker when she got older (almost as much as me) I winked to myself.
"She's beautiful" I whispered in awe
"Isn't she?" Edaline replied.

She looked like a perfect mixture of Grady and Edaline and that made my heart sink. She would never look like me. She would have to be told that I was different.

Mom seemed to read my thoughts and turned my chin to face her and looked me straight in the eyes.
"This baby may look like me and your dad but I promise that she will take after you in everything else. She will love you. Almost as much as we do"

Tears formed in the corners of my eyes as they crinkled into a smile. 
"Can I hold her?" I asked
"Of course you can" Edaline replied.
She gently and carefully handed Braelyn over to me and watched as my face lit up, full of joy.
"I have a little sister",I whispered, "I love her so much."
I sat with Braelyn in my hands while my mother and I talked about what had happened in our lives while I was gone. Of course she did most of the talking because my life was now the epitome of boring. Braelyn started to arouse and move around.
"I think she's hungry", I gently handed her back to Edaline, " you should get back to your classes. I'll be fine" Edaline pushed me off the bed with her shoulder.
"Are you sure that you'll be okay?"
"Yes. Now go."
"Yes mother. I love you."
"I love you too darling. Braelyn says she loves you too! Whoever you are!" She rose her voice for the latter sentence so that I would hear from Elwin's office. I smiled. I have a little sister.

~Hahaha I just fixed this chapter a bunch. Yay

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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