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A soft whisper creeps into my mind
Words that once I would have brushed aside
Thoughts that I believed I was immune to
But none of us truly are

I'm not as strong as I thought I was
My thick skin has begun to fracture and break
Shards of positivity and self assurance falling away
Revealing the self doubt that lay beneath

The words pick at the exposed flesh
Tearing through to mussel and bone
Working deeper until they take root in my core
Playing on repeat as the thorny vines spread

They twist and writhe through my veins
Constricting my lungs so every breath brings pain
I can feel my sanity begin to fade away
Nothing but the echoing voices left in its place

Now just a twisted shell of my former self
Walking numbly through each day
The words don't mean much anymore
Nothing really does but that's okay

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