Epilogue - Remember

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Things began to change for us. Nightmare gave way to a reality full of promise and hope. 

I went back to my photography with Mitch by my side. It turns out darkness can be just as inspiring as light. All of my experiences, good and bad, gave me such a new perspective on life and love and it showed in my work. Of course, Mitch was always my biggest inspiration - for everything. 

I also went back to my music – partially because he asked it of me, mostly because I loved it. 

The woman, Arya helped us out once again by erasing the death that had been fabricated so many years ago, the lie that had ended Mitch Grassi. How? I never asked. He was a person again and that meant we could travel the world together and never want for anything else but each other.

I took Mitch anywhere he wanted to go. We threw coins in the Trevi fountain, we danced all night in Mykonos and we even made love under a Parisian sky. 

Times were good for us. Karma owed us bigtime. Years went by without incident, without intruders and without unnecessary pain.

As time passed and things settled down, Mitch took a job giving piano and vocal lessons. He'd always been a wonderful teacher.

We never did hear from AdAstra again, but I’m sure that something equally as unethical and horrifying will eventually take its place. Evil never really goes away, you see. 


So now I hope you understand. I hope that you can understand my beginning and my end, my rebirth and my rollercoaster of a life that followed. 

I want you to understand because I want you to remember him. Mitch is someone that should never be forgotten. Not because he was different, not because he was a genius... 

Mitch was special  

Not because he could do pretty much anything better than basically everyone, not because he could do things that you and I couldn’t even dream of.

It's not because of those eyes that one could get lost in – happily DROWN in – or that smile that could light up a room ... & not that booming laughter that was so much like music 

It's not because he was the most beautiful creature I’ve ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.. 

It's more than that. It's SO much more than that. It’s because of his heart. There was always so much in his heart...  such a curiosity, such a NEED for affection and love. 

He gave it so readily. He gave it to me. 

I used to ask myself why? WHY me? HOW? How could such a special creature choose me, someone so ordinary, weak and dependant. 

I don’t try to guess anymore. I just know that he did. He was meant to find me and I was meant to fall for him. End of story. 

I learned with Mitch you can’t always question everything. You’d run yourself mad trying to. You'd simply run in circles forever. 

But please remember him. 


I’ll always remember every moment. 

Mitch is emblazoned in every memory, every heartbeat. No matter what moment in time - no matter what memory it is I always find a way to link it to him. 

But, you know its hard to find a moment in my life that wasn't about him. Even when I thought he was gone he weighed on my heart every day of those 6 years. 

Our lives were so full and so unpredictable and yet it had to have been laid out by destiny. Our lives were intertwined from the second we laid eyes on each other. 

I guess its silly to think that destiny could be real, but how can a love like this not be the result of pure fate. 

How else could you define it? 

Looking back on everything its hard to believe it’s real. I look back and think..  this is my life. This really happened to us. I really met an angel. I really spent 6 years in hell – praying for an end after I’d lost him. I really found breath again when my angel was resurrected. I was condemned and yet my angel saved me once again,

It’s like a fairytale – beautiful moments laced with the darkness of evil – moments of hope and love chased by greed and ignorance. 

A heart so pure and unselfish holding onto a heart weakened with darkness. 

Heaven and hell  

But like all fairytales, even ours had to come to an end 

I was six years old when he came into my life. 

I was 67 when he took his final breath. 

I couldn’t have asked for a more graceful departure. He at least deserved that. 

They told me that Mitch had suffered a fatal brain aneurysm in his sleep. I was assured he hadn’t felt a thing. I’ve never doubted for a moment that they were right. That morning when I had turned to him, he looked  so at peace. 

His hand still lay over mine. 

My Mitch. My beautiful Mitch. 

It’s heart wrenching to think that he’s gone, but so much of him remains behind. I see him in every inch of this house. I still feel him lying next to me at night. 

I see his actions reflected every time I look at the amazing children we both raised. I see his talent for music in our granddaughters and I see his mischief in our grandsons. 

I feel his heart within every beat of my own. 

I know he’s with me. I know he’s watching me, patiently waiting for me. 

My angel. 

Just please... remember. 

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