Leaving Home

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Author's note: Julio is pronouce (hulio).

"Heads up!" shouted Julio as he shot a three pointer from the sidewalk.

We were playing a three way version of one and one to pass time. I still had yet to tell them I had to return to my parent's house today. My only hope was that my grandpa would change his mind and let me stay here.

The basketball sailed through the net and he bent down and brought his hand towards his body. "Ayy, three all," he said, throwing his hands into the air.

His tan skin glistened with sweat as walked as he walked around aimlessly. His curly black hair drowned as he poured a bottle of water on it. We had been friends for four years and he never changed. He liked to show off and he was anything but humble.

The ball bounced off the garage door and I ran for it. My shoes scraped across the pavement as my feet skidded to a stop. The ball softly reflected off my fingertips and I dribbled it close to my body. Julius guarded from the front, his hand raised as he prepared to steal the ball. His were focused and I figured it would be hard to get past him.. I quickly passed the ball between my legs and pivoted, catching the ball as I went towards the net for a layup.

"Five, three, three," I said as I shuffled my feet, bringing one foot back while dragging the other behind me.

Julius shook his head; the wind blew his blonde hair towards the left of his face. He was quiet; I never really knew what he was thinking. Yet he was still like a brother to me. He and julio were polar opposites. They were like fire and ice on the days they didn't get along. Trust me when I say you wouldn’t want them to be in the same room on such days, or else hell will brake lose.

"Chloe and Jessie are pretty pissed at you for standing them up last night'," said Julio. "

I pursed my lips; I didn't remember planning a date with either of them. I slept like a babe last night. I thought I was forgetting something. I just didn't know what.

"Well they told me all about it," continued Julio, “You forgot your one year anniversary with Chloe on Monday and the one with Jessie on Wednesday and now you missed the make up dinner."

I massaged my temple, feeling a headache coming on. They were going to kill me if I called them now, so it might be best to give them a few days to cool off. 

"I still can't believe they let you date both of them at the same time," muttered Julio.

"Love has no boundaries," I replied. 

"Well, it's been a year so just pick one of them and let the other go."

"Imagine having two cupcakes you really like, would you give one away?" I asked, hoping he would understand.

"You are comparing them to cupcakes; they are going to be pissed when I tell them that."

I glared at him. "You aren't gonna tell them nothing, this is between me and you. Beside cupcakes are the best."

Julio nodded, smiling. "I would marry a girl who owned a cake shop."

"For some reason you guys always manage to sound like idiots. I feel like I'm losing brain cells right now." Julius shook his head and looked away.

"Donald!" shouted my grandpa, the wind carrying his voice as he slowly walk down the steps from the front porch. "I told you to pack your things; I'm carrying you home today."

The ball rolled lifelessly on the floor and I picked it up. My grandfather stood in front of me, he was about two heads shorter than me as he looked at me with steel cold eyes. He grabbed the ball from my hand and gave it to Julio. Suddenly there were two problems I had to deal with. My girlfriends wanted to kill me and my parents wanted me back home. Great...

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