Quirk Apprehension Test

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As the homeroom teacher walked out, leaving the students in awe as he announced that the son of the sorcerer from America was here, but it left a lot of taking in from the others.

(Y/N)'s POV:

As Mr. Aizawa left the room, he just had to say that I was Dr. Strange's son. I don't mind it, but as soon as he was out, the other students started to bombard me with questions. "Is it true that America is the best?" "What's your quirk?" "How did you become related to Dr. Strange?" "What are you doing here?" these were the questions they asked me as I stood there frozen.

"All right just settle down, I'll answer your questions." I said as they looked behind, seeing that I was already finished wearing the uniform Mr. Aizawa gave. I was gonna change on the locker room, but after the commotion, I decided to change inside the room. "How did you get there!" Midoriya asked as I point at my figure as it disappeared.

"I'll make this brief so Mr. Aizawa doesn't scold us or anything." I said as I took a deep breath. "The first one is no since there isn't a hero school there, if there was it's not best like U.A. Second, my quirk is the same as my dad. Third, technically I'm not his biological son, he adopted me. Lastly, isn't it obvious? To be a hero." I said as they were paying close attention and were awe at my answers.

"Now that's that." I said as I face on the window and moved my right hand in a circular motion, sparks started to appear and slowly a gateway appeared on the wall, revealing the field that Mr. Aizawa was talking about and right on cue, he arrived as he looks to the gateway.

"Huh? Got lazy walking down the stairs Mr. Strange?" he asked as I let out a chuckle. "Just get change and walk out here, okay? It's easier than walking through a large hallway." I said as I walked to the gateway and closed it partially.

Jiro's POV:

As he walked to the gate thing, it started to close up partially leaving us staring at each other. I rushed out of the room and went to the girls bathroom to change luckily it wasn't that far from here. As I changing in the clothes Aizawa-sensei had given to us, I can't get my thoughts straight, thinking about the certain (H/C)nette, his eyes sparkle like a million of stars in the sky, his hair blowing against the wind, and his smile can bright up your day. "Earth to Jiro!" I broke away from my thoughts as I look at Mina.

"Y-Yes?" I said as I look at her. "I said are you alright? You're awfully spaced out." she asked as I nodded a little bit. "Yes, I'm fine. Sorry for worrying you." I said as I finished up and walked back to the room, finding that the gate was wide open. I sighed and walked to the gate and went to the other side letting out a small sigh. 'What is this feeling?' I thought.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I heard my classmates yelled as I open up the gate fully, one by one they went in and fall in line, I on the other hand was in sitting on the ground, feet crossed as I look at them, then the last set of the class which are the girls finally came in as I stood up and went to the line, closing the gate. "Now that you're all here, we'll be doing a Quirk Apprehension Test." Mr. Aizawa said as my classmates were surprised.

"A quirk assessment test?!" everyone except for me yelled as we stood up in the field. "But, what about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" Ochaco asked as Mr. Aizawa started to explain. "If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for leisurely events." Mr. Aizawa said as the class had a surprised look on their face. "U.A.'s selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are." he continued. "That's also how the teachers run their classes." Mr. Aizawa finished and looks at us.

"You kids have been doing these since junior high, too, right?" he asked as took on what I assume his phone. "Physical fitness test where you weren't allowed to use your quirks." he said as he looked at the ash-blond teen with his hands on his pocket. "Bakugo, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right?" he said as Bakugo looked at him. "What was your best result for the softball throw?" he asked as Bakugo answered simply. "67 meters." "Then, try doing it with your quirk." Mr. Aizawa said as Bakugo walked to the circle of the field.

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