Chapter 5: Dirty Little Secrets and Weekends with the Devil

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Hi, it me, Courtney. Pretty cute last chapter, huh? Thanks to LenaBe6. And you guys, I see this story in so many of your reading lists and fucking slay man ilysfm okay


First of all, I don't usually give chapter dedications, but I simply have to give this one to bethumney. Beth. You are literally sweeter than cotton candy dipped in chocolate. Happy Little Pill SLAYS OMFG. CaN WE jUSt TaLK AbOUt. bEtH. CAn wE JUsT taLK ABOuT YoU. yoU RoCK oKaY.

IM V SORRY for the wait. The reason it takes me so long to update is 97% bc I spend all my time playing Kim Kardashian Hollywood. Also thanks to a few v v distracting people on Skype, I couldn't find the time. But now they've flown somewhere else and are carefully ignoring me. *sigh*


Sorry I'm weird ok one more thing: my wattpad is screwing up and not letting me respond to comments, so here is my love for you all beforehand:


If you're not on an apple device you probs got a bunch of squares but pretend they're hearts ok. I'm leaving the comment-responses up to Lena until I fix my account :)

OH YEAH and I changed my username to bringcolourtomyskies. I like that a lot better.

Oh and btw Smut Warning ;)



'Orientation' was over. The two dreadful practice days of school were gone. Now Troye had the whole weekend to himself with Connor, who had nowhere to be tomorrow. Usually this would be the time Troye would be cheering, but this year something held him back.

Unfortunately, Tyler Oakley, like Troye and Connor, had nowhere to be all weekend except for hanging out with his buddies for breakfast. After that, Tyler would normally most likely trade gossip with his buddies, eat lunch with his buddies, suck up to athourity figures, then come back to his dorm at around three to chill for the remainder of the day. During Troye's obsession with the guy over the past year and a half (which was snuffed out the moment he actually met the jerk), he had memorized Tyler's daily routine like a stalker. (Not only that, he'd drawn Tyler in his sketchbook, and Tyler had seen.)

Unfortunately Troye had a lingering suspicion that after Tyler finished being obnoxious with his friends, he would pester and tease Troye to his nerve's end. Troye had already promised himself that no matter how flustered the hot asshat made him feel, he wouldn't succumb to his flirting. But sometimes Troye seriously considered just slamming his lips onto Tyler's to get him to shutup.

And yet, even with all his spiteful thoughts about Tyler, he couldn't bring himself to dislike him. There was definetely something endearing about all his advances on Troye that they both knew would lead to nothing.

And Troye hated it, but he knew the only reasons he avoided Tyler was because of how small and prude he made him feel, and also because Tyler meant nothing by his flirting. He was like that with almost everyone. Troye hated how that thought created a knot in his chest. Why did that jerk affect him like he did?

So, on Saturday, Troye had been grateful to wake up and look over the rail of the top bunk and find that Tyler was already gone for breakfast or whatever. Only a heap of blankets remained on his bed to show that he was ever there. Unexpectedly, Tyler was a pretty cleanly guy. Actually, Troye thought, it shouldn't be that surprising seeing as Tyler had all honors classes and was a superior "model student". So besides the boy's unmade bed, there was no evidence that anyone besides Connor or Troye lived in the dorm yet because Tyler hadn't gotten the chance to personalize his living space.

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