Chapter 1

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Nikolette's POV:

Stupid fucking law for werewolves. I mean, we know what we need to know about our kind so why should we have to re-learn it just to please some old geazers we call the Werewolf Coucil. Ugh they are so aggravating. But I still have to go. No matter how much I detest the idea of seeing my so called 'family' again. The only person in that hellish family that was nice to me was Alex, my twin. He would always bring me extra food and blankets, anything to make me comfortable before I was kicked out. I mean what sort of shitty person would abandon a 6 year old child to fend for themselves against rouges and the natural world just because they didnt like what rank they were?! The people who concieved and gave birth to me, thats who.

Anyway, I was on the bus with all the other rouges who were at the age that they needed to comply with the law, being shipped off to the Azgard Crescent pack's academy for wolves. After about an hour on the bus, because we werent allowed to go in wolf form, we arrived in hell, oh sorry i meant the werewolf academy. I had been sitting at the back listening to one of my favourite heavy metal bands, Sabaton, more specifically their song Primo Victoria. It has been my mission to learn the whole song without going on youtube to get the lyrics. Anyway, everyone else got off in a hurry, most of whom were males as female rouges were much rarer, but I just slowly dragged my feet off of the bus, not bothering to look up at anyone who had been tasked to wait for the rouge buses to make sure they didnt attack someone. As I stepped of the ride to doom, I saw many of the rouges finding there mates, everyone of those couples was heterosexual. Its only been recorded once or twice that lesbian or gay couples existed, but I just wish that I could be one of hhose very rare few. Yes I do still like guys but I lean towards women more. But there have also been cases of people who say they are gay or lesbians and end up in a hetero relationship with there mate. I dont want that. I want someone to fit my preferances, not society's.

So now I'm just walking past all of the happy couples, disgusted by the PDA happening here. I mean come on guys, the stuff Im seeing should be left to the bedroom not the side of the road. I walk up to the office to find a youngish man, maybe 25 years old, sitting at the desk, typing away on the computer. Although my attontion is on him, I can sense three people behind me. "You know its rude to follow people around who could ;qkill you quite quickly. I would probably back the fuck up if I were you," I said in a surprisingly calm tone at first but then it started to get a bit more menacing toward the end.

"Watch your mouth rouge, it could get you into a lot of trouble around here," one of the guys said. I turned around to face the three with a snarl, baring my teeth.

"You obviously underestimate me pup. I could snap you in half in the blink of an eye."

Someone cleared their throat. I turned back around to see it was the man at the desk. He looked extremely uncomfortable. You could smell the fear coming off of him. His scent is mixed with another so I assume he is mated, most likely going to talk to his mate when I leave.

"Sorry about that. I wouldnt hurt someone unless they really piss me off and you havent. So.....can I get my schedule? The names Nikolette Hastings." I said sweetly because I had nothing against the poor guy. He quickly went through a filing cabinet and pulled out my schedule. I saw he was shaking like a leaf so I said, "pleas dont be scared. How about you call your mate and calm down hm?" He nodded and dialled his mates number and what surprised me most was that it was a males voice on the other line. I cooed at that because I was in the presence of a rarity, gay mates. I then decided to give him peace and turned around and left, while not so gently hitting my shoulder against the guy that gave me sass.

My schedule went like this:
-werewolf history
-werewolf anatomy
-fighting and defence theory
-fight training

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