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I lay still on a hospital bed, i a slight pain in my ankle was all, it'll heal y/n. I tell myself sitting up.

i decide to call Liam to apologise.

"Hello?" he answers confused.
"Liam! hey..." i say back
"Uhh who is this" he chuckles.
"its me... y/n" i say confused
"Umm... i don't know a y/n..." he says back.

i hang up. what is going on... why can't he remember me...

I run out the hospital and head home.

"Mum? Dad?" i say, my dad emerges from the darkness, knife in hand, my mum follows, teeth showing growling.

"m-mum" i say confused

"Intruder! we don't have a child" she hisses.

"w-what..." i reply, tears threatening to spill if i blink.

"Get out before i call police" my dad says angrily jabbing the air with the knife. Just then he takes a swing at me, and stabs me right in the shoulder. I growl in pain. I hold my breath and run out.

I arrive at the woods and fall to the ground, i lay against a tree... why am i being forgotten...

a thunder strike lands infront of me, a man with a horse appears holding a gun. I growl at him, my eyes glowing, he shoots me and everything goes black.

I arrive in a train station, i look around to see loads of people sitting on seats. And a familiar face.

"stiles....?" i say confused, he turns around and looks at me surprised, he runs up and hugs me, holding me close.

"y/n oh my god" he mumbles into my hair.

"you remember me?!" i say into his shoulder hugging him tighter.

"of course i do" he replies softly.

Once we pull away i look at him seriously.
"stiles. where are we and why does no one know who i am" i say sadly

"three words. the wind hunt" he replies.

I stare at him in shock.

"Is that when-"
"Yep" he interrupts.
i shake my head.
"No i cant be...." i say tears spilling down my cheeks.

"Hey hey don't cry. I promise i'll get you out of here" he hugs me again.
"thank you stiles" i reply.

Liam POV >a lot of the next couple chapters is going to be in liam's POV for a bit because well y/n is stuck in a train station<

Who was that. it's almost like i knew her voice, like i've heard it before, but i can not think where from. I feel like i'm missing part of me, yet i don't know what. I've been in deep thought about this for about an hour.

"Hey scott, have you gotten any strange calls lately, off a girl?" i say to my alpha.

Scott shakes his head in confusion.

" I feel like i've forgotten something, or someone important, but i don't have a clue what or who" i say hoping for an explanation.

"You know Liam, now that you mention it, me too" He replies.

"Really..." i say back

he nods, frowning slightly and looking at the ground.

"It's almost like a part of me is missing? sounds crazy i know" he finally says.

"No, not crazy at all, i'm feeling the same way"

after me and scott's very scary yet confusing conversation, i head home and look at my wall, a picture of me on a bench, just me, with a space next to me, i frown and stare at it, why the fuck would i put a photo of myself on my wall. I rip it down and put it in my pocket so i can take it to scott tomorrow.

"Liam you're an idiot, and that is why i love you" she said grabbing my arms, "I love you Liam Dunbar"

"i love you too, y-"

My eyes shot open. Who was that. She was... gorgeous... and... i don't know her name, but i know her! i know her i know i do. but who is she?! I sit up and look around my dark room,

"who are you" i mumble to myself.

I flop back down onto my bed and lay there, eyes wide open, i'm not getting back to sleep tonight. that's one thing for sure.

That night went slower than ever, everything was moving in slow motion and i could hear the clock down stairs ticking. My parents heartbeats in the other room. I lay there thinking about the gorgeous girl who i know but i don't at the same time.

The next day

"SCOTT!!! SCOTTT!!!" i yell to him waving my arms about like a mad man, running and panting.

"wow, hi liam" he chuckles.

"Look at this" i take the crumpled up picture from my jacket pocket.

"It's a picture... of you?" he says confused.

"Yeah but look, i have my arm around mid air... and there's a space next to me, like someone is supposed to be there. and it was on my wall, why would i hang a picture of myself on my wall?" i explain to him.

"You're onto something Liam... i don't know what but i know you'll- we'll find out soon" he pats my back.

"Now go get ready for practice" he says nudging me, I nod and run into the school.

y/n POV

"Stiles i cant deal with this anymore. Liam has forgotten me. MY OWN PARENTS FORGOT ME" i say, a bit too loud.

"Hey hey hey you're fine, i'm here and i'll never forget you" he says staring me in the eyes. I nod slowly and we lean in and his soft lips hit mines. It wasn't a long kiss but it felt right. We pulled away slowly and i rested my head on his shoulder, and he put his arm around me.

"i want to go home stiles" i whisper into his shoulder.

"Me too y/n... me too" he said before kissing my forehead softly.

awww i actually really found that cute😭😂. i'll be making a stiles x reader soon bc dylan o'brien is my actual fave 😍.

Hope you liked this chapter ❤️- oli x

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